Chapter 16: Confusion

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It's been few months since the wedding took place and everything has been going fine, well as fine as it could go without me being watchful and careful with what I do now in public because of the paparazzi.

"So what's it to Nikolai? You both seem pretty cozy nowadays".

Mia asked, typing away at her laptop.

We were all at Mia's house as she just got back from a business trip last night and we've missed her.

I've been expecting that question of hers since I stepped into the house to their questioning gazes. Nikolai just wouldn't let me drive myself and insisted on taking me.

"What about him?"

I decided to play stupid as I also didn't know what it was between us.

We've been going out a lot and he's been hinting on things which surprisingly I've never dismissed but haven't agreed to either.

"You know what about him, don't play dumb"

Candice glared at me finally looking up from her plate of sour mangoes.

She's been craving for unusual things and has got a bigger appetite than before. Don't even get me started on her mood swings. Poor Nathan doesn't get enough sleep anymore especially now she's showing and due in less than 2 months.


Apparently Candice was almost four months pregnant before finding out she was pregnant. Crazy? I know. We were all shocked when she told us.

It's really telling on us now, alright. She's been times 3 of herself and it's all just getting frustrating. I wished to be Mia who escaped for some time but nope, luck wasn't on my side.

But nothing beats the fact that the little one would be out soon. Once we remember that, we sulk it all in and do what she wants.

Nathan has been the absolute best. Never complaining and always ready to do her bidding. Her attitude has been telling on him but it's clear the joy he derives whenever he sees her happy and satisfied when she's given what she wants. Candice really scored with the man.

"For goodness sake, drop it girls. We're just friends".

I think.

"Yeah just like you and Tyler?"

Vanny interjected, rolling her eyes.

Letting out a frustrated groan I replied

"I don't know, okay?"

I really didn't. On one hand there's Nikolai whom I've known from the past and on the other hand there's Tyler.

Both men are really great and all but as much as I try to see them in a romantic way, I can't help but compare them to you know who and at this point I'm honestly tired.

I could feel a headache coming on, just by thinking of all this. They've been plaguing my mind and I feel trapped.

I don't want to make a wrong decision. I did once and I don't want to repeat it again. I might not admit it but I'm fucking scared and most of all I don't want to hurt one by choosing the other. They don't deserve it.

I could see the girls staring at me in attention. Sighing outwardly, I continued.

"I feel very comfortable with Ty. He's really a good listener and he's just so cute. On the other hand there's Nikolai whom I have history with even though we've still not spoken of it. He's so much of a gentleman making sure I receive flowers and handwritten letters every morning and you girls of all people know how much I love such gestures. They are both really sweet but___

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