Chapter 28: Does it ever stay good?

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The boy had tried reaching her and she'd been ignoring him for days and so he stopped.

Him stopping made her over think . A lot of thoughts ran through her head and in annoyance she texted him.

Hope you're enjoying your time with her?.

His reply came almost immediately.

How you doing babe.

The fact he ignored her question got her irritated.

You've always liked ignoring matters on ground.

The boy immediately stopped replying as he didn't have the time for her arguments right now. She was looking for a fight and he definitely wasn't going to give her one. All he wanted was for them to be good again and if she feels she needed space to come back to her right senses he'd give her just that.

The girl on the other hand got more pissed off and her thoughts ran wild. She believed he was with some other girl and so he didn't care about her till he needed her again. It was always like this whenever they had an issue and she wondered how he could stay days and not talk to her. I mean these days they've not been talking she felt she would go mad and that was why she finally broke the ice and sent him a message today but see how it ended. She regretted texting him now as she seemed like a fool who was now being ignored.

And just like that the debate in her head began.

What do you think he's doing now?

Is he thinking of you like you are doing of him?

He's probably with some other girl having fun and after he's done with her, he'd come back to you again and act like you both are good as usual.

Are you doing the best for your life?

You love him but can you endure all this?

He hasn't even accomplished his actual goal in life and you're going through this drama?

What's to say he does and doesn't become worse.

Or actually forgets about you?

He's probably using you to pass time.

You don't know what goes on in his head.

Maybe he's still keeping you around because he knows you're a good person.

You know what good people get? Nothing but manipulation and getting used.

Does he love you as much?

Leave now. It would hurt more when you stay so long.

All this were running through her mind and she ended up bawling in tears like she'd been doing for the past few days. And she wondered why she always had conflicts when it came to him. She couldn't lie she didn't trust him but she loved him.

He always told her that there wasn't love without trust but she believed otherwise because she knew what she felt but something was stopping her from trusting him.

She always expected the worst and that was what hurt the boy the most. The fact she was always waiting to hear a bad news. The girl programmed her mind to believe that if she expected the worst, then it would hurt less when it happened.


What a stupid lie!!!!

She still felt the impact of hurt when it happened and felt it the exact way she would have wether she expected it to happen or not.

She was scared. She didn't want the worse for herself. She believed whatever she did now she should think of the future. She couldn't keep crying like this forever. All she wanted was to be happy and have less troubles. The life was full of it as it is so she needed him to be her peace. Not get scared of always turning on her phone's network to probably see him involved in a scandal or getting a direct message from an unknown number with an attachment to him that always is about the fact he's cheating.

But he said he isn't.

As much as she wanted to believe him, it was hard!. She didn't want to be stupid, didn't want to be taken off guard. She always wanted to be prepared.

And anytime shit like this comes up and they get into an argument, because of the hurt she feels, she sinks as low as trying to hurt him back with one thing she knew worked, telling him how much she didn't trust him.

Most times she might want to cheat back or do something to hurt him but she never had the mind and was never that type of girl. So she stuck to using words to hurt him and it always worked.

All these just gave her a headache and deciding to talk to someone, she reached out and gave the person a call.

"Hi baby girl". The person's cheery voice came through but soon turned worried when she heard the sniffing through the line.

"It happened again". That was all she said for her friend to understand and they immediately got into a talk. Part of which was the friend consoling her as she would break down every 10 seconds.

"What if he did nothing?. I'm just saying". The friend asked and it was like a new light was thrown to her mind and part of it started speaking positively. The negative part was still louder but the other one could be heard, nonetheless.

She always liked talking to this particular friend of hers. She was patient enough and never picked sides. She would always point out wrongs from both parties. She was always reasonable.

"You say you love him but you hardly give him the benefit of the doubt. How do you think he feels?. He probably doesn't care anymore because he'd feel you've made up what you want in your head, so he sees no need talking things out with you".

The girl was silent as her friend spoke. She never thought of it this way and right now she felt bad for treating him bad and never allowing him explain himself and even when he does, she counted it as a lie.

"But what if it's true?" The girl asked her friend and her friend laughed a little.

"You're over thinking babes". She sighed " no one says you shouldn't think through but don't stress, if it's meant to end, trust me you both won't be able to stop it. It would".

Once again her friend spoke sense.

"So what do you suggest?"

She asked her friend now clueless on how to go about it all.

"Talk to him and fix things. Give him room to talk to you and don't attack him. let him speak and feel you're open to listen and believe him. To make things simple, don't be in your usual Fight mode". The friend warned and that brought about a little laugh from the girl finally.

"Okay I've heard you. Thank you so much".

They chatted some more and finally ended the call. The girl went to bed with a smile on her face and tried so much to think of just her happy moment with the boy.

She felt lighter now and would talk to the boy first thing when she wakes up in the morning.


"I missed you".

The boy said hugging her and she smiled.

Earlier that morning she had called and they talked things out before planning to meet up that evening.

"I missed you too". She said, hugging him back.

It's never been a problem of theirs when it comes to settling. She always proved stubborn but whenever she was ready to let her head down, they always settled and made up and this wasn't any different.

"You know" the boy began kissing her. "I missed something more". He concluded by lifting her up and carrying her to the bedroom to obviously show her what he missed more. This was more like them. After they settle, this was what followed.

It was all happy right now but one thing the boy didn't know was the girl was still in her head and no matter how much she tried, she didn't believe him fully. It frustrated her that she didn't, but she couldn't stop herself from the thoughts and part of her accepted the fact she might never trust him but he didn't need to know that.

And so it all went beautiful in their own paradise but do things ever stay good?

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