Chapter 23: VENICE

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While driving I hoped we wouldn't say anything to each other but of course jerkface didn't hope for the same.

"So how was your day girlfriend?".

At that I looked to the heavens praying for God to hasten this drive while he sat there attentively and patiently waiting for my answer.



Taking today off work because why not?. I just wanna be at rest today ,sleeping and waiting for any calls from the hospital concerning the birth of my Godchild.

"Excuse me ma'am we just got news of someone requesting entry to the house"

I sighed in frustration at the voice of my bodyguard. I don't think I'd cope with having them inside the house. Definitely changing that today.

I haven't received any calls from Seth since yesterday. I hope he didn't decide coming here was his best bet. Oh God I really can't be bothered with him right now.

"Who?" I asked to be sure.

"A Mason Richards".

Grumbling under my breath, I cursed my faith of never having a peaceful moment to myself.

"Let him in".

More like chase him away with a broom but I'll just keep that to myself, thank you.

"Hey cat girl. Your house is like some secret agency. You shooting some CIA movie or something".

Here comes the fly.

I raised my brow at his question not understanding where it was coming from.

He took a seat at the other end of the couch I was sitting on and looked at the two guards situated by the door..

Well he isn't the one that his house got broken into by his crazy ex.

I normally don't let them in but since Seth pulled off that last stunt, I need people to catch the rat as soon as it's sighted and move it far from me.

'did you just refer to him as a rat'

He sneaks about like one. What do you want me to call him ?

I was greeted by silence.

That's what I thought.

"They aren't your business. What brings you here?"

He gasped dramatically, feigning hurt.

"That a way to talk to your boyfriend?"

Waving off my bodyguards, I scowled at my supposed boyfriend to which he smiled.

"Why does this now seem much more important to you than I who suggested it?"

I asked moving to the bar to get two glasses and a bottle of wine.

"I'll just wife you up instead. I mean look at you being of service".

Immediately he said that I dropped the drink I had offered to him on the table.

"Get it yourself then".

"Woah woah woah..take a joke, would ya?"

Glaring at him, I gulped down all the contents of my drink.

He watched me curiously before speaking.

"First off, it's evident we can't stand each other".


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