CHAPTER 48: I found her

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The little child stayed close to her parents and every time they separated she'd make sure they were joined back by the hips again.

She had kept on this whole attitude since the incident that happened at her school. She didn't like when her father went to work without her mother or when her mother went off for business without her father. She would start crying and getting hysterical. Her newly acquired attitude worried and scared her parents at the same time.

Was she that scared of them getting a divorce like the parents of the child at her school?

They knew this might grow to be something very serious but didn't think too much about it hoping she would eventually stop.

She did stop but it only morphed into fear of getting attached to someone.

Soon the child grew up and became a beautiful young girl that had trouble settling in a relationship. She was always suspicious and over-thought every single thing being done by the other party. She believed nobody would stay with her forever. She always thought Her parents were just an exception.

She made a mental countdown every time for all her relationships in junior school. She anticipated the breakups or in her words "foresaw" the event.

She didn't believe in love and never preached about it to anyone. Whenever she passed by lovers or saw something relating online she would always laugh and say "enjoy it while it lasts".

She didn't know it had now become a fear for her to actually fall in love. She didn't see any partner as good enough and didn't want to ever subject a child that came from her to a life without a father.

Men were useless and so she would pass on that.

That was until she met HIM. He changed her whole perspective. She was surprised someone actually could. Although there were times where she still let her doubt creep in creating unnecessary drama between them both but she didn't want to let go.

The one thing she feared becoming, she had become. ATTACHED

She shouldn't have lost her focus though because it all still crashed in her face. The one person she had let down those walls for betrayed her and so the fear of the child arose again even worse than before.


Riele sighed.

That part of her childhood was something she didn't like recalling but now she didn't mind.

She wondered why she had been so scared of attachment. People who would leave your life would and people who would stay would. It shouldn't have stopped her from loving or receiving love in return.

As much as her point was proven when Seth cheated, she couldn't help but compare how much brighter and happier her life was when Seth was involved versus when he wasn't. She was in love with that man and she wasn't letting anything hold her back anymore.

'except getting kidnapped'.

Riele didn't find anything funny about her subconscious' statement. At this point she wasn't even upset she was kidnapped. She missed HIM and she was much more afraid she might never tell him how much he meant to her or how much she loved him.

She was ready to spend her life with him. Now more than ever because she saw him trying to change and put her first. At first she was skeptical, expecting him to cheat again but he's been a dream since they got back together this last few months and she was at her happiest moment.

She laughed bitterly thinking how ironic it was for her to discover this only now when she was in a current life threatening situation. Life was funny but there was nothing to laugh about for Riele.

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