CHAPTER 8: The seeker

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You know that adrenaline surge of confidence that gets you to do something without thinking about it? Well that's a fucked up feeling!

I still can't believe I actually did that and now she's probably thinking I have serious issues.

(15 minutes earlier)....

"Can I have this dance?" I heard a masculine voice say and from my peripheral vision I saw Riele stiffen.

I looked at the man and saw it was Seth Anderson. I knew him from the entertainment world, literally everyone does. He's made a name for himself as the king of rap.

It wasn't even surprising seeing him here . The owner of Lush agency is quite the social butterfly and would just about invite every star just to be the talk of town. I mean I just saw Christian Ronaldo the footballer pass by.

I turned my eyes back to Riele and saw the fear, anger and something else I couldn't quite decipher in her eyes.

I was no idiot so I knew they definitely knew each other. I shouldn't have given a fuck but I surprised myself and that explains why I did what I did next

"Come on, let's dance" I told her and without waiting for her reply, I grabbed her hands and led her to the dancefloor.

I felt her visibly relax but I could also see the confused look on her face. Probably wondering why I came to her aid. Guess what? I wonder same too.



On one hand I'm happy I didn't get to utter a word to Seth, on the other hand I wonder why it seemed like Jerkface was helping me?. Kind of spoils the whole reason for him being Jerkface.

Why did I have to meet Seth here of all places?.

He's still as handsome as I can remember and from the way I felt earlier, he very much still affects me.

Why did this have to happen?. I really thought I was never going to meet him again. I mean what are the chances of crossing paths with him in this big city.

What was he doing here anyways? Last I checked he had a tour in Mexico ending the day after tomorrow.

How I know? Well I might have mistakenly stalked his Instagram page last night before going to bed. Emphasis on the Mistakenly please.

Why the hell am I even thinking about him? Here I am sitting at the table wallowing in self pity while my friends are having fun. It is supposed to be their day and God forbid I be the one to spoil this occasion.

By the way, where's Mason?

'oh we using his given name now'

Not the right time!

"Hey pretty lady" I stiffened and immediately relaxed when Tyler's face came into my line of sight. I really need to stop being so jumpy. This isn't some horror movie.

"Hi Tyler" I replied smiling. I could use his company right now, regardless of how we left things last time. If he wasn't going to bring it up, neither was I.

"Enjoying the party?" He said taking his brother's sit next to me smiling. I have no control of my immediate response to his smile. It was so contagious, I knew if I continued at this rate I'd probably end up with a bruised Cheek because he was always smiling.

"I should probably be asking you that seeing as it's my friends' party?" I was quick to shift the question back to him because it's definitely not been a happy one for me.

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