Chapter 19: Missed me?

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  "I need your help girls!"

I exclaimed immediately their faces popped up on our group FaceTime.

The lights were back on and everything seemed normal except my heart and body.

The two bodyguards had rushed in immediately Seth walked past them and I waved it off as I didn't have the time for too many explanations and I was in a state of dilemma ,still am.

The girls stared at me with an expression that I probably should have asked about but like I said I wasn't in my right senses currently and was gradually running mad.

Right now I could care less what they were scheming or had in mind. I just needed some help which only they could render.


Stepping out of the elevator to my floor, I was met with unusual stares and some whispering which I turned a blind eye and ear to because gossip is one thing I knew they liked. Although this one seems different but as long as I don't hear shit about me, I don't care.

I couldn't help but feel like something was up though. They did tone it down as soon as they saw my death glare but I wondered what all the ruckus was about.

The elevator dinged as it got to my floor and I saw Ann waiting for me. I walked past her knowing fully well she'd follow suit which she did rambling on and on about some guy.

Wait what?!!!... I came to a halt when I finally registered what she was saying .

"Miss I asked him not to, but he wouldn't listen and I tried to..."

I raised my hands to silence her and finally opened the door to my office.

Seated inside my now opened office was none other than Jerkface.

"Oh hey you?"

He sounded chirpy but still didn't smile. Weird.

"Leave Ann"



I said more sternly and she scrambled out, closing the door behind her.

I walked to my seat and sat down, opening up my computer and typing away without a care, completely ignoring today's trial of the devil to turn me into some murderer.

"You know I don't mind sitting here all day while staring at you and making you uncomfortable. It's actually quickly becoming a fetish of mine. Making you uncomfortable, that is."

Slowly I looked up at him already seething in rage.

"What is wrong with you exactly?"

"Oh nothing, just came to check out the progress being made on the site".

He replied crossing his legs and I couldn't help but feel irritated at how he's so calm as it made me seem like the crazy one.

"You could have just gone there or sent an email with your questions like you've been doing"

I replied trying to sound like it didn't bother me that he's been gone for months because why should it ?

And it's not like I was bothered , I just feel like it was weird the way he disappeared.

'sure sis'.

I was ready to have an internal battle when he spoke up.

"Well I just got back from my trip last night and thought to come see you in person as you've probably missed me"

'she wouldn't agree to that though, but I hear ya bro'

Shut the fuck up!

Honestly most times I feel like I have some other person's subconscious because why on earth would mine never be on my side ?

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