CHAPTER 5: Black, white or blue?

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I'm about to enter my car when Tyler stopped me by shutting my door.

"So Riele Morris, heir to the Morris empire, must be pretty cool right?" I watched Ann enter the car giving us privacy.

I smiled replying with a shrug.

"Uh Tyler? I really want to apologize for the other day. I just wasn't___

"It's all good, trust me. Although I'd get more over it if you come out to dinner with me tomorrow". I laughed realizing the card he's playing on me.

"Actually I have a shopping outing with my friends tomorrow" I said watching as a pout came to his enticing lips.

"Oh come on, you're not gonna be shopping forever now, are you ?" He asked using the puppy dog eyes. Damn this boy, how could he be so good looking?. Eventually I caved

"Fine, 7 then?"

He yelled out a yes fist bumping the air. I laughed at how cute he looked and soon he joined me laughing too.

"Thank you so much, so tomorrow then?"


He gave me a peck and I instantly went into the car before I turned red but it was too late because I heard Tyler laughing as I pulled out of the parking lot.


Right now I'm sitting down on my bed and Hurriedly putting the girls on group FaceTime because I'm freaking the hell out!!!

"This better be good. I was dreaming about becoming the second wife to the Prince of England" Vanny started glaring at me.

"You think that's something?, I just freaking broke a nail rushing to get my phone".

We all grimaced on hearing Candice's predicament.

"Okay so what's up Riri" at least one of them is not entirely bent on murdering me. I should really thank God every morning for a calm friend like Livy.

"Y'all won't believe what just happened to me"

"Cut. To. The. Fucking. Chase. Woman" An angry sleepy looking Mia gritted out and if I weren't so excited , I could have cut the call scared out of my mind.

" need to get all Wildcat on me" I cautiously told Mia and immediately ripped the band aid off

"I got pecked by_____

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" they all screamed interrupting me

"This is really great news, I mean when was the last time you even got your hands shook?" A very awoken Mia exaggerated, earning an eye roll from me and laughing fit from the others.

"Yeah real funny guys"

Has it really gotten that bad with me? Well I did receive a handshake from Jerkface today, That counts right ? for real it does right??

"So do we know him ?" Liv asked, gaining mine and the girls' attention who seemed to be engaged in discussions about me like I wasn't on the call.

"Did I say the person is a HE"

"So you called us because you got pecked by a girl" Vanny deadpanned.

"Although with how your life is going now, we would totally accept any decision you make. I heard lesbians are good with their tongues anyways" Candice chimed in and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my God! I am definitely a straight girl and about the last statement. Wow you serious Candice?"

"For the love of God would you all stop derailing" Mia exclaimed before we could dive into how supposedly good lesbians are with their tongues. Topic for another time then.

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