CHAPTER 42: we have each other candice

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Previously on WITS.....

"I swear to you I'll make you the happiest woman on earth. You deserve all and more". I whispered, kissing her hair. "Thank you for coming back".

I slept off with excitement running through my veins of waking up next to her tomorrow




I took in and out breaths like I was ready to face a wild animal one on one or might I say bunch of wild animals, as it was more than one that awaited me behind closed doors right now.

Alright let's do this.


The next number died in my head as the door opened up before I could finish my countdown. I was immediately pulled in by both my hands.

"Woah, easy there".

I was obviously talking to myself as Mia kept dragging me into the house till we finally reached the other trio with the scariest grins etched on their faces.

"Even I am creeped out right now". Mia said as she now accessed them.

"Oh please. We are just so excited!!!".

"Shhhh. Don't wake the little monster please". Candice shushed Vanny frowning.

"Sorry" Vanny whispered.

"Okay now that's done" Liv turned to me with the same bat shit crazy grin from earlier and I cringed. "You owe us some juicy dets baby girl".

"I'd probably tell you said "dets" if you didn't look like Harley Quinn when she tries to convince people she's okay and she's not". The grin immediately fell off "yeah, scary right?".

She huffed, rolling her eyes. "Fine!. Just tell us what we want to hear" she gave up with a pout.

I took a seat immediately diving into the details of how last night played out. Was interrupted a lot of times with series of "Awwww" "omg" "what?"and whole lot of other exclamation.

"So that was it". I smiled in satisfaction, happy to have finished my tale

"And?" Vanny asked and I scrunched my face in confusion .

"And what?"

"You know, the part where you said you were on the bed?". Candice probed.

"Yeah you probably forgot some details there?" Mia added as Liv clapped sitting up closer with an attentive look to hear what I didn't know because I really didn't

What were they on about now ?.

Noticing the confusion on my face, Candice face palmed.

"She didn't do it guys". A lot of disappointed remarks followed through from the girls and I finally caught on. I shifted uncomfortably knowing I was now a blushing mess.

Hey! I had a dirty mouth sometimes but this was something above me!.

'could have let me take over last night but nope! you had to block me out'.

I ignored my subconscious knowing this wasn't the time for that

"We need to fix this!" Vanny finally muttered, spotting a look that mirrored the ones now evident on the others.

I don't even think I have a say in whatever they were planning right now and to be sincere?, I don't think I actually oppose it.

Deep down I want to.

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