Chapter 30: Flour monsters and bad news

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Previously on WITS?

The more I looked at her, the more I realized her shaking wasn't one of fear, it was more of annoyance.

"I don't know what's wrong with you but don't ever touch me again, got it?".

She asked and without waiting for a reply, she went inside leaving me standing there wondering if I really was mad as she'd said.




I've noticed jerkface had been avoiding me since yesterday's event and after having had the rest I so craved last night, I woke up with an insane and absurd thought.

He cared???

Nope! That's not possible, I mean it's jerkface we're talking about. That man cares about no one else but his stupid self.

Deciding to just keep that thought aside, I made myself coffee. Didn't seem like any other person was awake, not like I cared anyways.

I took my time drinking my coffee and just enjoyed the quietness of the house. Would have preferred my hot choco but guess who doesn't have the ingredients in his house.

Ding ding ding!! Jerkface of course.

'you can't even try if you want to'

I knew where my inner mind was heading to and I'm trying so hard to stop it from thinking about.....

'You turn your thoughts away from him but still find yourself back to him'.

I shook my head once I heard what she said. Nope! She was imagining things and I won't be a party to it.

"Cat girl!"

Now she's making me hear his voice?.

"Crazy lady?".

Hahahaha I'm going mad!. I think I'll just go prepare for work or better still skip today and just go see baby Venice. She calms me.

"There you are, cat girl, are you deaf now?"

Jerkface questioned walking into the kitchen where I was standing, looking very much annoyed.

It can't be I'm imagining him right?. Subconscious if this is your doing, quit it right fucking now!!!

A finger snap got me out of my inner turmoil and I looked up at a still existing and standing jerkface looking more annoyed and irritated than he was earlier .

"What?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Look I know you're stupid and dumb but that isn't my problem right now. Do you know where Louisa is?".

He asked, running his hand through his hair. It was obvious I wasn't the only one that made him look mad this morning.

And I thought he cared? He just called me stupid!. I could argue with him all day but not today. I wasn't in the mood and my subconscious making up such useless theories about him just got me all the more frustrated and tired. Not wanting to waste any more strength in giving him a taste of his medicine, I ignored the first part of his sentence.

" I gave her a day off". I replied shrugging.

The responding glare I got almost had me running for my dear life.


The venomous tone in which he spoke betrayed his calm exterior. His body was relaxed like he was controlling himself but his eyes spoke a different tale.

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