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The girl jerked awake as cold water was thrown on her. She blinked a few times and shook her head to remove her hair from her eyes. She was drenched from head to toe. Her eyes widened as she took in her surroundings, she was bound to a chair and kept in a dark room. A bulb being the only source of light. A cough caught her attention. She looked towards the side and found it was her sister, her twin who was coughing blood. A trail of blood lining the side of her face and dropping onto the ground. Drop......drop......drop.

She was about to call her sister's name when an approaching footsteps caught her attention. Her eyes widened as she recognized the person in front of her.

"Well, well, well!! Isn't it the little gems of my favorite enemy?! So sorry sweetheart! But you will have to pay for what your elder siblings did. I love you both my dear but unfortunately my hate for your family is greater than my love for you." The man said while stepping out of shadows.

"My family trusted you. We treated you as our own family member. What did we do to deserve this? Please let us go!"

"Let YOU go!!! NO! NEVER! You are asking for impossible sweetheart! I can't let you go. It took a lot of hard work to get my hands on you. "

"Keep brother will never give in to your demands."

The girl looked towards her sister. She looked so weak and bloody. They have been trapped here for god knows how long. Both of them have been kept in this room without food or water. Their throat parched, stomach begging for food, clothes soiled and dirty with their urine and blood. She herself was on the verge of passing out.

"Oh he definitely will! I will make sure that he and that sister of yours bow and my feet at beg for mercy buttercup! "

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! You have lost the right to call me with pet name. Remember we break, but we never bow. My brother will come to rescue me and then, you will be the one begging for mercy at his feet but mark my words, you will never get one. You will cry, you will beg for your life but you won't get one." She spat.

The man came stepped towards her and slapped her. He grabbed her by her hair and backhanded her once more.

"Don't tempt me to torture you more. You both have been already starving for last two days and I don't think you will be able to handle it."

"Do whatever you want to do. I don't fear you"

"Pihu! For god sake's just shut up!!" pari scolded her sister.

"That's right buttercup. Listen to your sister. Don't provoke me to kill you. Be a good girl and keep your mouth shut. Am I clear?" the man asked.


The man tsked and grabbed her hair once again. Pihu screamed in pain, the burning sensation becoming unbearable for her. The monster tilted her face so that she was looking directly into his eyes.

"let's try this once more buttercup. Am.i.clear?" he asked once again.

"and I will say this once again,' saying this, she spat on his face.

"YOU BITCH!! "He opened her binds and threw her harshly on the floor.

Both the sister screamed. One in pain whiles other in terror. The monster moved towards a table kept in side of the room. He picked a hammer and moved towards her. He leaned towards pihu, the hammer dangerously close to her fingers.

"Tell me dear buttercup; will you apologize?" he asked sweetly.

"NEVER!" she snarled.


"Arghh!!!!"Pihu screamed in pain when she felt excruciating pain in her hand. The monster slammed the hammer on her hand repeatedly to the point that she felt numb. Tears couldn't escape her eyes anymore; she couldn't scream anymore; she couldn't hear her sister crying and begging that monster to let them go. She just wanted to sleep.

"Say goodbye to your sister buttercup. "The monster raised the hammer to strike her one last time. Pihu looked towards pari. Her glazed chocolate brown eyes colliding with her sister's onyx eyes telling her that everything will be alright, they will survive through this.


There was a dull sound and suddenly something warm splattered on pari's face. She closed her eyes, opened them, closed them and opened them once again. The scene in front of her remained the same. Her sister lying in her own pool of blood; her eyes closed and blood spreading rapidly on the ground coming near her feet. She remained frozen unable to believe that her other half, her twin is dead. She is gone.

" eh! Such a waste of time! She was no fun. Anyway, Phillip! throw her body into the river. Her family shall never find her body."

A bulky man entered the room and dragged her body out of the room. A trail of blood following her body.pari watched her twin's body disappearing from her sight and suddenly all her pain transformed into uncontrollable rage. She looked towards the monster and shouted, " YOU MONSTER! YOU KILLED MY SISTER! I CURSE YOU! YOU WILL NEVER BE IN PEACE! ALL THE HAPPINESS, ALL THE PROPERTY WILL BE SNATCHED FROM YOU. YOU WILL SUFFER BEFORE SUCCUMBING TO IT. YOU SHALL PAY FOR EVERY CRIME YOU COMMITTED BEFORE DYING!!"

" really dear. In which century are you living in! Oh my god! I am so scared! Somebody helps me!" he mocked and stared to laugh.

"You know-"

"BOSS!! The enemy has destroyed our boundaries and they are coming here. They have already killed more than half of our men. We are waiting for your order boss. "Philip said. Panic reflecting from his face.

"WHAT! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE! Ask our men to retreat. We can't risk getting caught. Tell them to burn this place and get out of here." The man ordered and turn towards the door.

"Sir what about her?" Phillip gestured towards the girl.

Monster turned to look towards her and said to his guard, "leave her here. Let her burn with this mansion. I already warned her family to not double cross me. Now they shall pay the price."

With this they left the palace surrendering it to the hungry flames leaving the innocent soul behind screaming in agony.


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