Stories From ANHS 1: Your guide to IRL visual novels

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                        Kiyotaka Pov
It was after my meeting with Ichinose, and then the peculiar Kiryuuin, and I was relaxing in my dorm room for which I thought was going to be the rest of the day, but how I was wrong.

Ring ring

Hm?  My phone was ringing.  That isn't odd the most of the time since I receive lots of calls and invites from people.  It was just odd since today it was completely silent from the first years.  I picked up my phone and answered.

Kiyotaka: Hello?

Sotomura: Ah Ayanokoji-Dono, thank you for picking up!

Kiyotaka: Of course, what can I do for you?

I heard a nervous breathing on the other side of the phone.  I sat up in bed and twirled a pen from my desk side table while Sotomura continued.

Sotomura: I-I need your help.  There's a girl in our class, and I really like her, and I want to tell her how I feel in case I get expelled, can you help me?

Kiyotaka: Sotomura, of course I can help you!  And I'll make sure you won't be expelled so you really don't have to worry.  But who is this girl?

Sotomura: Mori Nene.  She's really cool and she's into gaming and she's one of the nicest girls to me.

Kiyotaka: I'm aware she's into games.  How about we go to an arcade!  I'll be there to make sure things don't go wrong.

Sotomura: Thank you!  You can also bring another guy or girl, so that way you don't feel like the third wheel.  Let's meet up tomorrow at 11, ok?

Him saying that to prevent me from being the third wheel makes me feel I'm the third wheel anyways. 

Kiyotaka: Sounds good to me!

I hung up the phone and sent a message to Mori.  Could I match the gamer girl and the anime boy?  My honor was resting on this...

Well it wasn't but, that's not the point.  If I succeed, this could be my gateway into making friend siege the pervs and thus gaining meat shields to do random stuff.

Who is the girl I should invite?  Horikita?  Why did I even consider that?  Mii-Chan?  She's nice but she is probably going to be overwhelmed by all the flashing lights in the arcade.  I guess Kikyo would be ok.

Ring, ring.

On the second ring, Kikyo picked up and I could only hear a loud blow dryer.

Kiyotaka: Kikyo?

Kikyo: Phwoooooooosh-

The blow dryer stopped and Kikyo began to speak.

Kikyo: S-sorry, I don't we having trouble shutting off the blow dryer...

Kiyotaka: Or was it because you were nervous because a hot boy called you, that hot boy bring me.

Kikyo: Drop d-dead!

Kiyotaka: Obviously you don't like me, you're not like the other girls.

Kikyo: Y-yup!

She sounded slightly relieved.  She probably saw me as more of a friend if anything so she obviously doesn't like me.

Kiyotaka: Well anyways, Sotomura and Mori are going out on a date and he wanted my help.  He also suggested I brought a guy or girl, and I figured you would be up for it.

Kikyo: Ew, so like a double date?  Wouldn't a rumor start up?  Sounds like some shit from a movie-

Kikyo began to speak in a voice similar to how an adult speaks to a baby while pretending to have a narrator-like voice.

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