Chapter 70: « Porsche has started his taming, I will finish its work. »

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Author's note:
From now on, this message will appear on every chapter.
If you don't like how I write, please stop reading me. I don't spend hours creating the plot of my fanfiction to get derogatory comments.
If what I write is too violent for you, just stop reading instead of pouring your hatred on my stories.
Thanks in advance.
Big hearts to those who love history and don't criticize with hatred <3


Wednesday of the following week


Three days have passed since Vegas gave me a correction. He fucked me with great pleasure during these three days. I let it happen so he wouldn't beat me.
Even though he promised never to do it, I can't pretend that he has no limit to patience and human principle.

Vegas left me alone Monday and Tuesday with lists of chores to do.

I did them all on time and he had no complaints.

Today is Wednesday and he decided to stay with me. I'm a little stressed because this morning he's in a very bad mood and I'm very afraid that he will take it out on me.

Kneeling on the floor, I clean the tiles in the kitchen and dining room. I could do it with a mop but Vegas didn't want to, wanting to teach me the taste of effort towards a more stable reconciliation.

- What, how? This is out of the question. I'm not going back. I'm staying with Pete. Dad doesn't need me...

Vegas is sitting on the couch, in a corner where he can keep an eye on what I'm doing. I am completely submissive and obedient to him as he likes.
As I'm about to finish doing something under the dining room table, I feel myself being pulled back by my foot.

- Aaah...Daddy...

I drop my sponge into my bucket of water to let myself do it. Vegas grabs me by the hair and places me on my knees in front of him as he continues his conversation with Yasmina.

- Dad can delegate the management of the house to you.

Vegas makes me understand that I have to open a package. He gives it to me and I hasten to open it. It was a rather special gift that he gave me: a leather necklace with a huge ring on the front, with a medal on it. I read the inscription: VEGAS'S PET

I'm turning red reading this.

I look up towards Vegas still in conversation with Yasmina. He caresses my cheek and gestures for me to put it on. I turn even redder at this order but I don't protest.

The material is quite soft around my neck and it doesn't make me itchy.

I put on the leather collar with the color of the ring that goes with it. Vegas is still talking with Yasmina but I see him smile broadly when he sees that the necklace fits me perfectly.

- So handsome... no I'm not talking about you Yasmina... you're also cute don't worry eh but I'm going to have to leave you...

I bite my lip when I see him put his phone down, intimidated.

- mmmmh... Pete... have you seen how the correctness of actions matters...? I calculated the width of your neck well enough that you're not bad.

Vegas leans towards me, his gaze voracious. I bend over a little.

- Do you like the gift?

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