Chapter 48: « Nothing and no one will stop me from owning you, Pete.»

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New character

Chan wen48 years oldMafiaBig's fatherRival of Korn Chan, father of Kim

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Chan wen
48 years old
Big's father
Rival of Korn Chan, father of Kim



Since Porsche threatened me with death, I no longer dare to go to university. Arm, Ken and Pol are taking classes. Next door, to keep me busy I work in a supermarket. It's not what I know how to do best but it's a quiet place where I can prepare internal projects, for example that of a well-balanced revenge.

Porsche helped his parents as I wanted but he no longer wants us in his life. The person responsible for this is Pete and he will pay.

But for now, I'm going to make Porsche's life a hell to begin with. I have an idea for that.

I call my father, determined to reduce the life of Pete and Porsche. It will be enough for me to mention their connection with Kim, Korn Chan's son, for Dad to put in place a plan to disrupt their existence.

- Yes, Dad. A car accident will be more than enough to annoy them. This will be the beginning of their problem.

Dad tells me that he takes care of everything and hangs up. I wish him a good day before doing the same.

A few days later
Monday morning


Porsche is again very gentle with me. We fuck a little less and it suits me a lot. The week following the realisation of my relationship with Vegas went smoothly.

I obeyed him as usual and he rewarded me with soft fuck sessions and without forcing me.

I don't know where this good mood comes from but I am that it's because his parents didn't show up anymore and neither did Big.

This morning we are going to university to start the last week of classes before starting three weeks of revisions for the semi-annual exams.

- Porsche we will arrive late.

I kindly urge Porsche to hurry up to me. He kisses me before grabbing his bag and answers:

- I'm here, let's go.

He takes me by the hand and we leave the apartment together. Today I pray that this day will pass like other days, in joy and good humour.

This is likely to happen, since I don't see any disruptive factor that could confirm the opposite.

- We don't have many lessons this week, Pete. We will be able to have a good time together.

Porsche puts his hand on the bottom of my back, where my scars have finally all disappeared. I no longer need to put on a bandage.

I smile politely.

- Yes, Porsche. We'll have fun later if you wish.

Porsche seems delighted by this prospect.

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