Chapter 29 : «Your grandmother is taking the advantage over cancer. » +18

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We are, Porsche and I, in front of the entrance to the hospital. It's time for us to go see Grandma. I'm happy to spend the afternoon with her, so I'm sure Porsche won't do anything to me at least for a few hours.

I have a kind of irritation in my ass that gives me pain at times. Porsche stopped fucking me the moment he saw that it hurt me. Vegas would say that it's not kindness but conciliation. If Porsche doesn't push me to the limit, it's to use me better later.

I sigh, my hand in Porsche's. He guides us to the hospital entrance and we go directly to the heart cancer section being treated. We have an appointment with Dr. Paterson, the one who follows my grandmother medically so that we can discuss grandmother's latest results.

We pass directly in front of the reception but without stopping. We go to the examination rooms where the doctor's office is located. He warmly welcomes us by offering us coffees.

Porsche takes one and I do the same.

- So Mr. Tongkam... you are here for the results of your grandmother's last chemotherapy... I have very good news for you.

The doctor looks at me intensely and with a huge smile.

- The last series of chemotherapy gave more than satisfactory results. Your grandmother's tumor remains more at least the same size, which means that she can no longer spread in her body. Your grandmother is taking an advantage over cancer.

Hearing this news, I can only smile in return for the doctor's. Porsche stares at me as if I had done something serious but at that moment, the good news monopolizes all my attention.

Porsche puts his hand on my thigh and caresses it firmly to show me that he is still next to me. I get nervous understanding his behavior and to soften it, I immediately erase my smile from my face and put my hand on his.

- This is an excellent new doctor. Do you think grandma will get better in the coming weeks?

-This is our greatest hope. Your grandmother is very strong. She should get there. But...

The doctor suspends his sentence and I begin to look worried.


He sighs and removes his glasses. Porsche quietly drinks his coffee, following each of my movements and words. Why do I feel like he's looking for any reason to dominate me later?

I'm starting to feel bad but I try to do my best not to show it. The doctor sighs and answers:

-I fear that by using the same treatment every time, the tumor will find a way to resist it and start growing again. I...I consulted my colleagues and they also agree with me. We thought...that we could offer your grandmother a stronger treatment, that of a new drug that will successfully complete its trial phase and whose use has just been approved.

I turn my head towards Porsche, exclaiming myself:

- A new medicine?

I then turn to the doctor who is honing his head.

- Yes. We think that this new treatment will allow your grandmother to beat her heart cancer but the cost is extremely high, because it is still brand new and it is not yet covered by insurance.

I have the reflex to fuff my hand in Porsche's, not reassured.

- much?

-300,000 baht per month.

I want to widen them. The weight of my whole life is starting to fall on my shoulders.

- 300... 300,000 baht per month?! Almost double my total expenses...

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