Chapter 53 : « I have an eternal debt to you . »

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I spent the whole afternoon with Kim for Pete's birthday gifts but I'm in a very bad mood. Pete hung up on me today when he was the one who called me... all this to tell me that he was canceling all our outings.

I know that Porsche is the cause of this but I am still disappointed that despite all the encouragement I gave him, Pete is still not able to impose himself on Porsche.

I'm with Kim at the Starbuck to cheer me up when all of a sudden I have my phone ringing. I look at who it is and I give up immediately.

- Pete can always hope that I answer him... he will discover that I can also be resentful...

Kim looks up at me.

- You shouldn't... it's not easy for him to be with Porsche... so he invented this excuse to be sick so that Porsche doesn't complain that we spend too much time with them...

He sighs while I mute my phone. I drink my cream coffee quietly.

- I know he's waiting for us to get him out of his relationship with porsche but he must remain patient and keep a low profile with him and not look for trouble... it takes time to...

Kim has her phone that vibrates. While it's Chay, he quickly seizes it but his face will be desperate again when he reads the name of the one who calls him.

- must be important for him to call on your phone and then on mine...

Kim hands me his phone and I pick up irritated.

- I don't want to talk to you Pete. You put me in a bad...

-V... Vegas?

I freeze as quickly as I hear Pete's sobs.

- Pete? Are you okay?

- N... No... you have to... come to my house... I...

He cries strongly and seems terrified. I ask him to calm down.

-Pete... control your voice I don't understand...

- I... I... don't... I can't manage to... Porsche... I killed him... you have to come... get me... please... daddy...

I drop my coffee cup to the shock of what I just heard.

Not the fact that Pete called me Daddy... but the fact that Pete killed Porsche.

My coffee cup is dripping on the table and on my pants. It burns me and I am brought back to reality. We have to do.

I say:

- Don't touch anything anymore, we're coming. It's a Pete order that I want you to respect. Understood?

Pete is still crying but answers:

- I... I went to the room... I couldn't look at it... I... I'll wait for you there... the building code is 120863. You... you'll knock on the front door four times so that I know it's you, right?

I signal to Kim to get up and follow me. The Starbucks waitress is already busy cleaning our table. She offers me another drink to replace mine and I gently shake my head.

Kim goes to pay for the drinks and joins me quickly. I said to Pete:

- We'll be at your house in a few minutes baby. Stay calm and everything will be fine.

- O... yes Nong..

Pete hangs up and I give the phone to Kim as we get into his car. I say bluntly:

- Pete killed Porsche. We have to go to his house to measure the damage.

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