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The soft rumble of distant thunder helped Cassie relax as she sat in her bed, leaning against the headboard with a book in her hands and Opie beside her. Every time she turned a page, she made sure to give the white pit bull enough attention. A contented whimper escaped his mouth whenever Cassie scratched him behind his ear or stroked his head, which always rested on her stomach. Almost as if he could sense that Cassie carried another life inside her.

The brunette had noticed Opie's clinginess more and more over the past few days, leading her to suspect that it was due to the pregnancy. Either his head was on her stomach or he was sniffing at it. If a stranger came near her while she was taking him out for a walk, Opie would growl and stand protectively in front of her, even if the other person posed no danger. It was said that dogs could hear the heartbeat of an embryo in the womb, and Cassie and Happy both strongly assumed that Opie was only protecting his family.

After about fifteen pages and the soothing thunder, her eyelids started to feel heavy. Lily was napping next to her anyway, snuggled up to the white pit bull, snoring softly. Happy had let her know earlier that it would be a late one and that they didn't need to wait for him and James with dinner. So she already had dinner with Benny, who meanwhile had holed up in the guest room to play videogames, and Lily earlier.

The Connor woman folded her book, placed it next to her and lay on her side, one arm tucked under her head using it as a pillow, her other arm wrapped around Opie and Lily. Only then did she allow herself to close her eyes to get some sleep as well. The shopping was probably more exhausting than she had thought and sleep was exactly what she needed right now. Yet she was thankful for the conversation she had with Lyla. A conversation that opened her eyes and made her think a little differently, more positive.

Only when night fell did Happy and James make it back to Charming. Happy's tension only eased when they drove past the Charming town sign, knowing he was close to his Old Lady again, and made a brief stop at the club to discuss the next steps in Church. There was a perceived threat to the club but it wasn't so bad that they had to go into lockdown yet. Happy just hoped the Sons didn't face another war, not right now.

He and Cassie already had enough things to think about that caused both of them internal stress. If more problems would come that would mean that he would've less time for Cassie. He feared that might influence her decision. Also, the more danger there was, there was more reason not to keep the child. Even if he would protect his family with his life, he knew how dangerous it can get for everyone related to SAMCRO.

After Jax finally called it a day, he let the boys go and disappeared into his room, sleeping at the clubhouse once again. The others either scattered around the clubhouse and grabbed one of the croweaters, sat at the bar, or decided to go to their rooms as well. The only ones who left the clubhouse to get home to their families were James and Happy.

James put a hand on Happy's shoulder before the SAA could straddle his bike, giving the younger one a questionable look.

“What?”, he grunted.

The oldest Connor frowned, sighing. “What's going on with you, bro? I mean, you are always quiet. But right now I'm afraid you'll forget how to talk if you don't say something soon.”

All of them had noticed how quiet Happy was at the moment. Even at parties, the SAA just sat there and drank one beer after the other or drowned himself in shots. But only if Cassie wasn't around, which happened a lot recently.

Most of the guys didn't dare to ask but some of them even assumed they'd split up or are having trouble at the moment. James didn't think that, he knew Cassie would've told him if that was the case. They still practically lived together in her house.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora