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Two months, that had felt like an eternity, had passed since Cassie stood in front of her brother's door with a duffle bag over her shoulder and tears in her eyes, asking for accomodation, letting the bag slid down her shoulders and literally falling into his arms to cry her eyes out after he told her she'd always have a place to stay if she needed.

In those last two months the brunette, who never really noticed that she indeed was in love, had to go through the worst heartbreak in her life. She wasn't just mourning about the intimate moments she had with Happy and the fact that they could've became a couple. No, it was also their lost friendship she was grieving about.

They tried hard to have normal conversations like they always had, not wanting their friendship to crumble because of their decision to keep their hands to themselves and ignore the feelings they had for each other. But there was an unspoken tension in the air every time the two crossed paths that they had decided to completely distance themselves, which wasn't easy since James and Happy were best friends. And especially now that James was divorcing Kayla, her brother needed Happy by his side.

Lucky for her, she found a house in the same street as her brothers lived. It wasn't big at all, but it still had two canes. Downstairs was an open plan kitchen connected to the living room, next room was a small but perfectly adequate dining room and a guest bathroom. Upstairs, on the second floor, there was a bedroom, a slightly smaller room and another large bathroom with a bathtub. It was just sheer luck that the house was given to her. If her job as a nurse didn't pay so well, the landlord would probably have turned her down. But she also deserved some luck. It was only a thousand dollars each month, which wasn't much for a whole house plus garden. And the neighborhood was nice.

Except for the bedroom and the smaller extra room, everything was already furnished, which was a great advantage. Even if Cassie made good money, she wouldn't have been able to buy furniture for an entire house. James had moved the furniture from her room at Happy's house last week along with Jax and Benny so that she could finally sleep in her own bed and not on the couch anymore. Happy wanted to help, but James stopped him from doing so to save both of them even more heartache.

It was still weird as fuck living all by herself in a whole house, yet she didn't spend much time alone at all. If she wasn't at work, she invited her brothers, Gemma or Lyla over. Now and then Tara would stop by to drop off Abel and Thomas as Cassie had offered her and Jax to babysit them in her free time if they ever needed someone to look after their boys. Long story short, Cassie did anything to get her mind off the one person she wanted to have around the most.

When her shift was over, she walked down the colorful hallway, which was another reason why she loved working at the childrens ward because not everything was as white and depressing as in the other hospital wards, and disappeared in the changing room to change back into her normal clothes.

After biding the other nurses a goodbye, she rushed down the stairs after taking a look at the clock, bumping into one of her co-workers, causing him to lose balance just enough for the box in his hands to fly to the ground.

“Oh shit, I'm sorry, Kyle”, she let out a sigh and crouched down to help him pick up the new looking stuffed animals and threw them back into the box he was holding again. “New donations for the kids?”

“Hey, it's fine, don't worry. You must be in a hurry, hm?” The always so friendly smile on his lips seemed a bit strained like so often, but Cassie didn't think anything of it and basically she didn't care. “And yeah, we got a few more boxes.”

“Uh yeah, I have to pick up my brother from football”, she retorted friendly. Benny might be old enough to go home alone but Cassie enjoyed spending as much time as possible with him and James, so she didn't mind at all to pick him up twice a week.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now