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The tips of her fingers ghosted over Happy's chest as she traced his tattoos that she loved so much. In her eyes, his body was pure art. She had always loved tattoos and wanted many of them herself, which would have to wait until she would make more money again. With her current job in a bar she only made enough money to pay half the rent and some groceries.

Once again it was in the middle of the night as they lay awake next to each other enjoying each others company while the rain pattered softly against the window panes, which calmed Cassie down further. Warm weather and the sun shining had been always something she loved and preferred over the rainy and cold weather here in Washington, yet summer rain had something peaceful⸺ especially at night.

“What did James wanted to talk about with all of you guys before?” She finally asked the question that had been nagging on her tongue since hours.

Happy's fingers, which had just been drawing circles on her upper arm, were now simply resting on her arm as he let out a sigh. He knew that she knew exactly not to ask questions about club business⸺ James always tried to keep her away from it as much as possible. But in this case Happy understood why she asked.

“He asked for a transfer to Charming. We need to make sure that anything that could lead back to Benny gets handled. Which includes a conversation with your mother”, that was all he could tell her but he was sure she was smart enough to figure out the rest.

“Wait, why did he ask for a transfer then? This won't take any longer than a few weeks.” Confused, the dark haired woman sat up a bit, supporting herself on her elbow before she raised a eyebrow at him. “A conversation, huh? I'm not stupid, Happy.”

Cassie knew the life well enough to know they wouldn't just have a nice chat with her mother. That bitch would be dead the moment James laid his eyes on her and Cassie feared that he wouldn't mind killing his own mother at all. Part of her understood. The way she treated their little brother, practically letting him starve, forcing him to make money no matter how and accepting her shitty boyfriend to abuse Benny was something that Cassie wanted her dead for. Yet, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to pull the trigger if she had the chance to. Probably yes, but the guilt would eat her up afterwards.

“He asked for transfer because he wants Benny to go back to his old school near Charming, which he recently dropped out of. James wants him to graduate there since it's a pretty good school. But first he has to get custody of him, which is only possible if he also lives in the area”, Happy explained, his eyes searching for hers only to spot a pool of emotions in them.

“But⸺ that means my whole family will be in Cali while I'm still here”, her words were barely more than a whisper, yet Happy could clearly hear the irritation in them.

“He won't leave you behind, Cassie.” Now Happy sat up, too, staring into her piercing blue eyes, a somewhat weird feeling in his stomach as he did so. Was it a..tingle? No, that just wasn't possible. He shook the feeling off and focused on their conversation again.

“Who said I want to move?”, she asked with a huff.

“What do you have left here when your brothers, Kayla and Lily are in Cali?”, he inquired. Somehow, his question seemed to piss her off even more.

“Well, a lot”, she replied sharply, throwing the blanket away so she could get out of Happy's bed. “Besides, Kayla doesn't want me around her family anyway.”

She slipped into her underwear after picking it up off the floor and ran a hand through her dark hair with a sigh. She couldn't explain why she felt so attacked. It was probably because she knew very well that Happy was right. What else did she have in Tacoma without her family? Her job she loved was gone, she had no real friends except a few acquaintances from parties. The darkhaired suddenly felt useless, which was an absolute shitty feeling.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now