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Cassie knocked on Kayla's door only half an hour later, the knocking aggressive and impatient. It was pure torture to wait for the blonde to open the door and face her. If Cassie was honest, she didn't know what would happen once Kayla and her stood face to face.

The brunette was fuming and felt the urge to give her sister in law a good beating but that was still too good for Kayla. She had a feeling it was the blonde who was behind Lily's injuries and if that was the case, Cassie would lose it. If Kayla really had hurt her own daughter only to hurt James was proof enough to figure out what a psycho she was.

“Just open the damn door, Kayla! I know you're home”, the brunette yelled, not giving a damn about the neighbors she might wake up at this time of the day.

When they, Happy and her, heard shuffling behind the door they knew Kayla had to be home. Where else should she be anyway?

“Move”, Happy grunted before gently pushing the brunette out of the way. With one swift move and a little bit of strength Happy managed to push the door open within seconds.

“Thank you”, Cassie gave him a small smile, which was replaced by a scowl the moment she faced Kayla. Rolling her eyes at the blonde, she snatched the baseball bat out of Kayla's hands and threw it aside. “You really think this can protect you now?”

“I swear I'm gonna call the Cops”, the blonde snarled almost hysterically, taking a few steps backwards as Happy approached her slowly.

“Go on, call them. I bet they love a good explanation of who really hurt Lily”, Cassie nodded eagerly while walking towards the blonde who was now standing against a wall, Happy right next to her in case she got some stupid ideas.

“Tell me, did any of them ask Lily about what happened? Because I'm sure my niece could've told them that it wasn't her dad who hurt her”, Cassie stated matter of factly.

“How stupid do you think I am? I let a doctor examine her but that's it. I told them not to ask her about it and traumatize her even more”, the blonde smiled sweetly. “And they agreed. Didn't ask her a single thing.”

A hard slap in the face from Cassie took Kayla off guard for a moment. With a gasp, she covered her burning cheek with her hand before she lashed out to slap Cassie back, but her arm was grabbed by Happy, who glared at her murderously, immediately. A yelp escaped the blonde's throat at Happy's firm grip around her heavily bruised wrist.

Studying Kayla's body that was covered in bruises and lacerations, Cassie could only shake her head in disbelief. Kayla had really done a good job of harming herself just to get James in trouble. If Lily had half that amount of injuries, Kayla deserved nothing but suffering.

“I don't even know who you are anymore”, the brunette scoffed as she shook her head again, a look of disappointment in her eyes. “I mean, look at you! Was it really worth it to put yourself and your own child in such pain?”

“I would do anything to get Lily and me out of this town and away from her poisonous father! James can blame himself for the current situation. He should have just given me sole custody of Lily. I could have started a new life with a man whose life isn't always a danger to Lily”, Kayla sneered, still trying to snatch her wrist out of Happy's grip⸺ without success.

“Sounds like you already have a new man in your life. And for that you have to outdo my brother who always gave you everything? You and Lily were never in danger with him. James would've given his fucking life for the two of you and that idiot probably still would”, Cassie spat, her words dripping with venom.

Which was one thing about her brother she couldn't understand. The first time he laid his eyes on Kayla, he fell for her hard. It was like love at first sight. And at the beginning Kayla was a great woman. Friendly, loving, caring. James and her quickly became the dream couple. The couple that every other couple wanted to be.

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя