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Jax watched as the couple took a seat on a table after Cassie got them something to eat from the kitchen that Gemma had made only a few minutes ago. They ate in silence, which wasn't unusual, but the brunette didn't seem too happy. It seemed like something was bothering her and Jax wondered if it was about the pregnancy.

Now that he knew from Tara that Cassie didn't plan on keeping the child, he assumed that was the reason for her bad mood. Hesitating for a moment, he decided to sit down with them. Turning around the mug with the fresh coffee, he gave them a small smile.

“I heard you're pregnant”, Jax rubbed his neck, raising his hands in surrender when Cassie's head snapped in his direction. “Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone, darlin'.”

“You better don't”, the brunette muttered under her breath while she glared at him. Just because she told Happy that she'd keep the baby didn't mean she wanted everyone to know already.

Happy didn't miss his Old Lady's reaction and if it was up to him he would tell everyone right away. For the time being, however, he was glad that Cassie wanted to keep the child at all, so of course he accepted her wish to keep the news secret for a few more weeks. It just annoyed him that Tara had apparently already told Jax about it and he wondered who else knew.

“So your Old Lady can't keep a secret for a day?”, the SAA grunted.

Jax sighed, shrugging. “I don't know, man. She thought she did something good and wanted to let me know.”

“Cassie asked for one fuckin' thing.” It was obvious how annoyed Happy was that Cassie's request wasn't honored. He still held a grudge against Tara after what she did, as did everyone else in the club, so he didn't understand why Tara would break someone's trust again.

“I know, and I'll talk to her again, bro”, Jax assured him eagerly.

“Let it go”, Cassie spoke up, disappointment lingering in her tone, yet her voice was soft and held no judgement. “I don't think she did it for her own benefit. She was probably just hoping that you would see that she was really trying.”

Both of the guys stared at her while she peacefully kept eating her breakfast. Somehow she couldn't eat the bacon, it caused the acid from her stomach to rise up her throat, which is why she put the few slices of bacon on Happy's plate. The scrambled eggs and pancakes weren't a problem though.

“Did you just defend my wife?”, Jax raised a brow in surprise, earning a shrug from the brunette.

“I'm not defending her, I just said what I was thinking”, she retorted quickly. “Look, I won't forget what she did, I couldn't. But I'm glad she was there for me yesterday. And it didn't seem forced to me, she really wanted to help.”

Happy placed a hand on top of her thigh before he finished his breakfast and took a long sip of his coffee, thinking about Cassie's words. Maybe Tara wanted to help but that didn't change the fact she encouraged Cassie to get an abortion⸺ that was the thing that bugged him the most.

“Maybe she wanted to help”, Happy shrugged. “But she still should've kept it to herself.”

“She should've”, Cassie agreed and let her hand rest over his after she finished her plate, too. “But as long as she only told Jax I don't have a problem with it.”

“Why don't you want the others to know?”, Jax asked without sounding reproachful, just interested.

“I'm still a little away from the twelve weeks, so a lot can still happen. Also, I haven't even seen a doctor yet. Even though everything speaks for a pregnancy, we can't say for sure that I am pregnant”, Cassie explained, giving Happy a loving look, knowing that he was still afraid she might change her mind. “Want me to make an appointment later? Maybe we'll get one this week.”

𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐔𝐍 | sons of anarchy. Where stories live. Discover now