Your Love's Like || 1

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I'm Sabrina Carpenter and I am an actress and a singer/songwriter. I play Maya Hart in Girl Meets World, the spin-off of Boy Meets World. I just recently dropped out my album, Eyes Wide Open.

I have great friends, they're everything to me. They're there for me when I need them, to support, or either to have fun.

A few years back, I thought I would never see my friends again, I was wrong.

A few years back, let's say three, I moved here to LA, to work on my acting career. I left everything behind, even my best friend, Sabrina. Not just her but the whole gang, Jake, Bradley, Peyton L., Peyton M., Peyton C., Sarah, Paris, Corey, Austin, Olivia, and Piper.

"Hey guys! How've you been?" I said greeting my friends. Max and James.

"Hey!" They both said in unison. Later, I got a text from an unknown number.

(Bold - Austin italic - unknown)

Hey, bro! Where are you? Is it nice there?

Uhhm.. Who are you?

Oh, sorry, it's me Bradley.

Oh. Hey bro, I'm in LA, it's cool here. I just got a new job as an actor in a new TV show called I Didn't Do It. I haven't met the cast yet though.

You moved there? You never told me. I moved here, too. It's been three years, let's meet up.

Yeah, I did. it's been three years since I moved here. Oh, cool. Let's meet at Starbucks at the mall.

Cool. Tomorrow at 5?


And that's when I had to leave and go to the set of my new show.

Aaaahh!! I just couldn't help but scream, I just got a new show, called I Didn't Do It. Can't wait to see the cast. I got dressed as I received a call from Piper, oh how I miss her.

"Hey, sorry I can't talk now, I have to go to work." I said rushing.

"Yeah, okay. Bye, I have to go too." She said as I hung up.

Peyton C.:
I left my house and went to work. I'm an actor, I will be playing as Garrett, in the new Disney show, I Didn't Do It.

As I entered the building where we're shooting, I saw a familiar face.

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