98 - What's Left of the L/N Family

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TW: panic attack description, death. Please don't force yourself to read, I can summarize in the comments for anyone who needs it!

Blood rushed into your ears.

He's dead.

All you could hear was your own heartbeat.

He's dead.

You felt someone squeezing you shoulders.

He's dead.

Where were you again?

No he's not.

He's not dead because he promised he would live. He promised Shoto that he would make his son proud, make his family proud. He's not dead because he promised you that he would take care of the society, that you wouldn't have to worry.

He's not dead because he's Endeavour.

"He said he would show the world how a real number one should be," Todoroki grit out. "He won't die."

Endeavour got back up, blazing, only to be repeatedly punched and slammed down. He kept getting back up, too stubborn to retreat. Civilians were cheering him on, advocating for Endeavour's reliability, while the other heroes could do nothing more than rescue the civilians, in which one face was extremely familiar to you. 

Hono and Hawks both looked up from where they where, to see Endeavour trying to fly behind the Nomu. Hawks sent all his remaining feathers for the hero to burn, while Hono sent a blazing flame his way, giving him strength in the same way one passes a baton in a relay race.

Endeavour, receiving both of these, sped behind the Nomu, making his way to incinerate it. Within a matter of seconds, he reached its face, ready to incinerate it once and for all.

The intelligent Nomu only began acting increasingly feral. Endeavor reached his hand into the Nomu's mouth and burned it from the inside, however it still managed to regenerate all of the damage Endeavor is caused, effectively undoing everything.

Endeavor calls on Hawks and Hono once more, though many of Hawks' feathers were used elsewhere and were at risk of being incinerated in the fight and Hono needed her remaining power to help civilians. Endeavor asked both of them to use what they have left to push him and the Nomu into the sky. 

Hawks uses his remaining feathers to push Endeavor and the Nomu into the sky, while Hono gave one final push with her flames. Once Endeavour was in the air, no longer at risk of endangering citizens, he unleashed his new ultimate move, PLUS ULTRA Prominence Burn, and propelled himself and the Nomu back towards the ground. 

You all held your breath, waiting for him to resurface, unable to see through the rubble.

And resurface he did. He stood tall and proud, raising his fist much like All Might would always do. Shoto instantly collapsed to the ground in relief, clinging onto you as you repeatedly reassured him that everything was fine.

Oh how you wish you could take back what you said.

Dabi appeared on screen, taunting both Hawks and Endeavour, even referring to Endeavour by his full name. Few people knew it, other than Todoroki's classmates, family, and close friends. To hear a complete stranger say it was absurd, to say the least.


You gagged at the memory, looking straight ahead at the man who called you what a dead friend called you. No one had the right to call you that, and certainly not some villain.

"Holy shit," you breathed out, listening to the news.

"Other than that, there was only one casualty...." you snapped up as soon as you heard that, searching the screen for any signs of Hono.


No. No.

She couldn't die, not like this.

"I have a matter to attend to," you blurted, rushing out, taking the first train to the hospital where your right hand man would likely be.

The moment you reached there, you ran into the hospital.

"Fujiwara Homura is the name, where is she?" You demanded.

"Ma'am what's your relation to her?" the receptionist asked.

"Niece!" You pressed, forming a lie. "Now let me see her, if you don't want to have problems with my family in the future."

You were not beneath using your family name as leverage, especially in cases like this where you were desperate. She panicked immediately, showing you the way to Fujiwara's room.

"I'll leave you to it," she mumbled, rushing out.

"Y/N," Fujiwara croaked out, turning to face you.

Fujiwara Homura had quite a hand in raising you, babysitting you everyday until you were five.

"Fujiwara-San," you whimpered out.

Of course, when your house burned down, you didn't see her again until three years later. She was part of the rescue squad, albeit in a different team. You only saw her months later, when Tensei took you to a gala. 

"No formalities when I'm dying dear," she coughed out.

You recognised her immediately, falling back into old habits of talking to her with ease. You were the last piece of your mother that she had by her side.

"No please, you can't die," you begged.

Yuma, a gorgeous woman. She was smart, powerful, talented, and multi-faceted. If you were anything like her, Homura would forever be grateful to the gods.

"I'm sorry Y/N," she whispered. "Remember what I taught you."

You picked up on skills quickly, just like your mother, so she decided to teach you a skill your mother wanted to learn when you were older.

"I'll never play without you, please you can't do this," you sobbed.


"But you must," Homura soothed, humming a tune.

Your mother had always kept her smaller violins, storing them for when you would play. The time came slower than she anticipated it, but soon enough, Homura was teaching you complex pieces on the violin.

A Japanese Folk Song, one of the first you'd ever learnt. It didn't take long before you were humming the accompaniment to it, holding her hand as you did so.

Fujiwara Homura had a hand in raising you until you were sixteen.

"Your mother would be so proud of you," she hummed. "You will get far in life, our darling firefly."

You squeezed your eyes shut, unable to come to terms with the fact that she would never see you go pro.

Ignoring that thought for the time being, you continued to hum along with her, including any pauses and accents which she would always embellish. On one such pause, you waited for her to hum along to her part. She never did so. You repeated yourself, hoping she just hadn't heard you the first time around. And once more just for good measure.

And now, Fujiwara Homura was going to die without seeing you succeed. 

She never did.

Fujiwara Homura had died with a smile on her face, at the age of forty-four. 

They say names that have meaning decide the fate of the person themselves. Fujiwara, meaning death, and Homura, meaning flame. A dying flame, one killed by helping someone else. How fitting.

She had died with a child clinging onto her, sobbing in anguish, knowing full well the child caused her death.

How many more would you cause?

A/N: I'm so sorry but oh well four chapters? Next one is a bit of resolution, that's the last one for part 7!!

QOTD: Did you expect her death?

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