12 - Do your best, Iida!

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Just like that, the lessons whizzed past, teachers flipping through pages of the textbook with ease.

All teachers were instantly made aware of the newly elected class reps, so that if anything goes wrong, they knew whom to leave in charge.

Soon, it was lunchtime, and you headed out to put all your textbooks back in your locker before waiting at the classroom door.

"Apathy-chan, you waited!" Kaminari grinned, eyes lighting up as soon as he saw you.

"I promised, didn't I?" You mumbled, pulling your blazer tighter to keep warmth. "I swear these halls get chillier every time, wait for me, I need to grab my sweater."

The blonde nodded, following you to your locker as well, Ashido and Kirishima right behind him. It didn't take long for you to pull your sweater on beneath the blazer, and the four of you rushed off to lunch immediately afterwards.

"Man I'm starving!" Kirishima exclaimed as you all queued up to receive your lunch, each grabbing a tray.

"I heard Lunch Rush makes amazing food, he'll always know what you want!" Ashido grinned.

"I'm craving enchiladas, if that man can make that, I'll be impressed," Kaminari smirked, to which the two others snickered.

He was able to make that.

"C'mon Lightning Bug, we can't hold up the line because you're staring at your food like you're in love," you smirked, grabbing the boy by his collar and dragging him behind you.

"At least I have a lover!" He exclaimed.

"That's going to go right down the drain in a couple hours," Kirishima remarked, laughing at his own pun.

He'd gotten a hot beef stew with rice, with Ashido and you both receiving a bowl of Udon noodles, the only difference being in the curries. Her's was rather sweet with a minimal amount of vegetables, whilst yours was spicy and filled with your greens.

The four of you sat down at a table, one with minimal people surrounding the area.

"Y'know, when Aizawa told us we'd have to decide something huge, I thought someone might be expelled again," Ashido began, laughing as she thought back to the incident that morning. "My heart won't be able to deal with more stress if we continue having him as our teacher."

"I betcha it'll get worse, he doesn't seem like he can relax," Kaminari grumbled, munching into his enchilada. "Holy crap the food tastes amazing!"

"He's a cooking hero, Kaminari-kun," Kirishima sighed. "What'd you expect?"

"Speaking of heroes," Ashido drawled, turning over to you.

You sighed, placing your chopsticks down.

"I'm not a hero, Ashido-San, and my knowledge is just as limited as yours is," you explained, hoping she'd understand.

"Yeah, but what about the quirk mystery?" She grinned, eyes sparkling. "Can I know?"

Before you could answer, however, a blaring alarm interrupted your conversation, saving you from the awkwardness of the conversation.

"The hell's going on?" Kirishima yelled, trying to overpower the alarm to make himself heard.

"U.A alarm number three, an intruder!" You responded, pulling them all up as you racked your brain for an idea on who could've possibly busted past the indestructible gates of U.A High. "Get out calmly, I'll see what's going on!"

The trio nodded, walking out, though they were quickly pushed along with the rush of panicked students, each trying to get to emergency exit quickly.

It wasn't wrong before you got caught up in the rush as well, and were inevitably pushed against a window, where you saw the problem.

"The fucking press?" You scoffed, pushing off the figure leaning against you. "Tenya?"

"Y/N, I'm glad you're safe," he breathed out, evidently distressed.

"Now is not the time for pleasantries, Iida-kun!" Uraraka yelled, reaching out her hand.

The girl wanted to hold hands to decrease the chance of getting separated, however your friend had different ideas.

He tapped her hand, instantly floating upwards.

"I did not think this through and I'm regretting it!" He exclaimed.

"Engines!" You yelled, hoping he got your point.

The boy nodded, turning on his turbo engines that grew out of his calves, propelling him forward to where the emergency exit was.

Thankfully, Iida had fast reflexes, and managed to twist himself before face planting against the wall.

"Everyone, it's just the press!" He yelled, gaining the attention of all the students crowding the hall.

You'd never heard Iida raise his voice, he was a calm and sweet person, like his family. He was more uptight than his brother, though he still had a big heart.

"We're students of the best hero school in our country, is this any way to behave as such?" He challenged. "Let's honour the school and behave properly, starting by returning to our designated areas."

With that, the halls began emptying, until it was only Uraraka, you and Iida left.

"Y/N-Sama, are you sure?" She asked, checking with you one last time before she released Iida from Zero Gravity.

"Of course, I'll catch him," you shrugged, arms ready.

Nodding, she released him, however there was a slight miscalculation.

"Apathy-chan!" Kaminari called, causing you to lose focus.

Iida ended up landing on top of you, the two of you a mess of limbs as you glared up at the electric blonde.

"Kaminari Denki, I swear to whatever being there is protecting your life right now, it won't be able to protect you much longer," you snarled, pushing Iida off.

"Wait no I'm sorry don't kill me!" He whimpered, fear evident in his eyes.

You sighed, running your fingers through your hair.

"No one got hurt, right?" You checked to which Iida and Uraraka nodded. "Fine, I'll let you off the hook Lightning Bug, but don't distract me again."

"Noted," he gulped, following the three of you to the classroom, which was filling up with all your classmates.

"Alright, now that you're all here," Aizawa nodded, gesturing toward Midoriya.

He took a deep breath to prepare himself before explaining what he wanted to say.

"We all saw Iida-kun out there today, and I think what he did was great, taking up the leadership position when I should've done that," he explained. "I'm not cut out to be the class rep, but Iida-kun is. So I'm passing my job on, thank you to those that voted for me."

With that he sat down, as the class cheered in agreement.

"Great, now that that's over, your training today will involve me, All Might, and a special faculty member," Aizawa began, flashing a card that read 'rescue'. "Rescue Training. Wearing your costumes is up to you, remember, you've only had them since yesterday."

You raised an eyebrow in anticipation, curious as to where this was going. Knowing Nezu, rescue training happened at the USJ. But with the U.A security breach, was it really the safest option?

Yayyy more kami interaction 😍

Can't wait for the angst 😍

Have a great day/night :)

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