72 - his darling sunshine

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Your ears were ringing.

That was all you noticed the entire way back to Heights Alliance.

It wasn't until someone grabbed your shoulders that it stopped.

"You'll hurt your hands that way," Kaminari grinned. "And who wants scars like those on such pretty features?"

That was all it took to break the dam, as you wrapped your arms around him and held him close. He brushed your hair gently, only leaving you to make both of you a tea before taking you to his room.

The smell of cologne instantly hit you, as he handed you an extra pair of slippers before rummaging around for something.

"Found it," he muttered, handing you a small toy. "It's a fidget toy, I use them to help focus. But you can use it and give your fingers a break. Wanna lie down?"

He was so gentle, much unlike his usual self, that it nearly made you want to cry again. You gingerly sat down on the bed, leaning your head on Kaminari's shoulder, pulling the blanket over both of you.

"No need to be nervous Apathy-chan," Kaminari sighed. "You told me what you went through, I wouldn't lay a finger on you if you didn't agree to it. You're one of my closest friends, I don't want to see you hurt again. Not after everything the League did to you."

"You mean it?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Forever and always, Apathy-chan," he smiled, putting his hand on top of yours. "I only wanna see you smile, and I wanna be the guy to make you laugh."

"Good luck with that, it's never happened before," you grinned. "I'm like Katsuki in that sense, almost only laugh when I see someone else suffering."

Kaminari tensed briefly as you mentioned Bakugo, though relaxed once more.

"Hey, why aren't we on first name basis?" He asked quietly.

"Because then I'll never hear the end of it," you reminded, leaning into his chest.

"Apathy-chan at this rate we're cuddling, you'll never hear the end of this either," Kaminari snickered, pulling you in as he lied down, you on top of his chest.

"..... you're warm, Denki," you mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear you.

"Wow, calling me hot in the middle of an emotional moment," Kaminari deadpanned. "That isn't very professional of you, Y/N. Before marriage as well, do you even understand how scandalous this is?"

"Shut up!" You laughed, subconsciously making yourself more comfortable on his bed, the tea and fidget toys long forgotten. "If Tenya would see us now he'll kill you, I'm just saying."

"God I hate that Iida's on this floor," Kaminari whined. "I can't even listen to your pretty laugh without worrying that he'll come around like 'Kaminari, Y/N, why are the two of you engaging in premarital contact. We must focus on our hero studies!' like I can't even breathe without this guy telling me to do my homework!"

And as if he'd predicted the future....

"Oi, Kaminari!" A voice yelled from next door. "Stop doing the Lady and do your homework instead!"

"I'm not doing anyone Ojiro you prick!" He yelled in response.

"Yeah I know, just rubbing it in you single fuck!" Ojiro laughed.

And just as Kaminari was about to get up to dock the monkey like boy a punch, you pulled him back down next to you, twirling your fingers in his hair and twining your legs together.

"Don't move, I'm comfortable," you requested, as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close. "Also, he isn't worth taking my heat source away."

"Anything for you, Sunshine," Kaminari smiled, before remembering why you were here to begin with. "But that reminds me... why were you so panicked? Did someone hurt you? I'm willing to get Bakugo to kill them."

"No it's fine, don't worry about it," you mumbled, voice breaking again.

"Y/N," Kaminari responded, voice firm and more demanding. "If you don't want to tell me that's fine but it's hurting you, a lot, so please just don't go around pretending as if everything's alright. We both know it isn't."

The two of you lay in comfortable silence for a while, Kaminari waiting while you listened to his heartbeat to relax. Until you finally spoke up.

"Denki?" You asked, sniffling slightly.

"Hmm?" He responded. "Wanna watch criminal minds?"

"I have no clue what that is," you deadpanned. "But what I was gonna ask...."

"Oh yeah sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt," he rambled.

You took a deep breath in before finally asking him the pressing question.

"Would you judge if it was a stupid reason? Something like not feeling trusted enough by someone I admire?" You asked, before correcting yourself. "Admired. They're dead to me now."

"That's extremely reasonable, especially with the entire school being on your back about Nezu," Kaminari mused. "Man I never liked the guy after Ashido's and my final exam, and I near hate him after he exposed you."

"It's fine Kaminari, he's..." you trailed off.

Irrational? No, he was so intelligent he could identify different consequences to his actions. He wasn't an idiot either. Manipulative? No, he trusted you and was almost always honest with you. So what was it exactly?

"Do you think he might have made that statement to protect me?" You asked. "He held an entire press conference after Katsuki and I got kidnapped to reassure the public, but this is more direct. As if saying 'touch her and I'll skin you alive with my rodent teeth myself' you know?"

"I don't see the need for it, but he's a strange guy who you know best," Kaminari shrugged. "You're probably right, Y/N."

"Still wanna watch criminal minds with me?" You smiled, causing him to light up instantly.

"Get comfortable, you're sleeping over," he decided, getting his laptop out. "Not knowing criminal minds is a crime."

"That's what happens when you don't grow up with tech," you snickered. "Books are my second parents."

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that," Kaminari shuddered, pulling you closer to him. "Comfortable? Want snacks? I have a mini fridge with snacks and drinks. You aren't in your PJs.... here I'll give you a hoodie and basketball shorts."

You blushed ever so slightly as he did everything to make sure you were comfortable, even snuggled you up in his clothes and blankets, held you close. He was so sweet it made you feel bad for how you treated him just a few days ago.

But as you cuddled against his chest, listening to the steady and reliable heartbeat he possessed, you knew that everything would be alright with him by your side.

He made you happy.

A/N: this is purely filler with very little relevance to the plot but I was sad and I wanted happy Kaminari

We'll be seeing fun little developments in Y/N's quirk soon, so I can't wait 😍

QOTD: why do you guys think Nezu exposed Y/N 👀

Have a great day/night!!

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