21 - Battle On, Challengers!

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You sighed as you looked up at the monitor, before noticing a more concerning pairing. The duo stood close to you on the field, one approaching the other.

Suddenly, Ojiro intervened, glaring at Shinso as he nodded over to you.

"Midoriya-San," you called, to which he walked over, confused as you lead him to the waiting room for the first contestant.

You let Midoriya sit down at the table, locking the door to make sure no one walked in on the two of you.

"Y/N-Sama why'd you stop me from responding?" He asked nervously, to which you shook your head.

"We don't have much time, you've got ten minutes until you need to be up on that arena and your quirk isn't under control," you began. "His quirk is some brainwash agent, it fucks with your mind, makes you his puppet. He'll taunt you until you respond, especially now that he knows I told you this."

"You got brainwashed in the battle?" He asked, eyes wide.

"The entire team did, but there's a way to break out, especially with our quirk types," you continued, to which he stiffened instantly. "So you are the next user."

"W-what? User? I think you misunderstand!" He exclaimed, waving his hands in front of his face.

"Save it, I know the history," you scoffed. "Have you made contact with the previous users already?"

Midoriya looked at you perplexed, to which you nodded with relief.

"Focus on them and One for All, it's how I broke out," you explained, flexing your fingers.

"Why are you telling me this?" He asked.

"I want to see All Might's heir in action, I want to see you make that power your own," you admitted. "But there are certain obstacles to overcome first."

'And now for our first match of the day,' you heard Mic announce over the PA.

You sent Midoriya a reassuring nod, patting his back as you walked him out into the stadium, where you chose to watch from the hallway.

'Midoriya Izuku of Class 1-A vs. Shinso Hitoshi of Class 1-C!' Mic called out, much to the thrill of all the viewers as they clapped for the two contestants.

The two were speaking, Midoriya keeping his jaw grit while Shinso continued rambling about who knows what.

Though suddenly, his eyes fell on you.

Your eyes widened as you realised the purple haired boy's plan, turning around to rush out of the hallway, only to be stopped by Nezu himself.

"Y/N, you know you can't warn him, why do you try?" He asked, looking up at you. "You weren't supposed to be in the halls either, it could guarantee a disqualification."

You turned around to see Midoriya frozen, eyes blank as he walked towards the edge.

"I had to, he had to know," you defended, turning back to Nezu. "Disqualify me then, but know that I still believe I did what was right."

He sighed, pulling you down to squat at his height.

"I trust you Y/N and I know you well enough to know that you wouldn't cheat, so you get a second chance, however this can't happen again," he concluded, adjusting the collar of your sports uniform. "Make us proud."

"Yessir," you nodded, standing up once more to turn and look at the match.

Midoriya was dangerously close to the edge, eyes still blank as the cold dead ones met your own right before he stepped over the line.

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