93 - Pre-festival tension

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A week passed since that incident, and you hadn't spoken to Bakugo at all. You avoided him at all costs, especially after he'd called you unnecessarily complicated. Kaminari didn't intervene in your argument, though he did get annoyed that his closest friends refused to even sit at the same table as each other.

"Kirishima, did you ask Mina?" You asked the redhead that morning.

You'd just arrived downstairs after your shower, and were still tying your tie. Your hair was messy and wet, needless to say, and you attempted to run a brush through it to at least tame it a little bit before it dried up.

"Yessir!" He grinned. "Ashido will be dealing with the transfer, we just gotta wait and watch!"

"Perfect," you nodded, picking up your bag. "Let's head out, shall we?"

"Definitely, I've just got a few questions about your quirk, it could help us you know?" He began, instantly rambling about his ideas while you walked to school together.

Just as you entered the classroom, you saw the entire dance team in suits and sunglasses, firing Midoriya.

"Mina you're such a drama queen," you laughed. "You're just being transferred, not kicked off entirely."

"Aww c'mon Y/N-chan, I wanted to do that part!" Ashido pouted, snapping her glasses shut.

"You terrified the poor boy, look he nearly shat his pants!" You pointed out, much to Midoriya's embarrassment. "We need you for staging to help when it comes to using Aoyama as a disco ball, think you can do that?"

"We're sorry for the sudden change but please Midoriya?" Kirishima asked.

"I'll help as long as I still get a chance to dance," the greenette smiled, to which all three of you agreed.

The day before the show, these tweaks were made and a practice run through was held, much to Ashido's satisfaction.

Though there were a few problems for the staging team that night.

"The rope's tearing, we either cut the act or get some early tomorrow morning," you sighed, holding it in your hands.

Koda, Sero, Todoroki, Kirishima and you were sat at the table, discussing final effects that you wanted to add.

"We can't ask Yaoyorozu, she's asleep," Todoroki mumbled. "Y/N, you can't reinforce the rope right?"

"Holograms, and it's heat, I'll only burn the rope," you shrugged. "Sero?"

"Nah dude, my tape is weak," Sero declined.

"We can't cancel the act, here I'll go tomorrow morning," Kirishima offered, just as Midoriya came downstairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Rope tore apart, I'm buying some more tomorrow morning," Kirishima explained.

"I can go, I need to get a few things anyways," Midoriya offered. "And it's my fault the rope broke, if anything."

The three of you agreed to that, and Midoriya grinned with relief.

"I'll get them after training," Midoriya nodded.

"What time is that, I can join for a spar if you want," you offered, well aware that he was continuing his training under All Might.

"6:30, you don't have to if you don't want to-" he rambled, though you shut him down immediately.

"I'll try," you shrugged, standing up. "If we're done I'll head up, sound good?"

Your friends nodded and you left the scene, yawning as you made your way to your room, hearing distant whispers.

"Denki?" You asked, surprised to see him in front of your door. "I thought you went to bed already."

"I did but Bakugo and I were talking for a bit," he mumbled, pointing at the blonde next to him. "You can imagine how that turned out."

"Go to sleep. Bakugo, inside. Now," you glared, holding your door open. "Explain."

"Deku told me what happened remember?" He scoffed. "Look dumbass, there's no reason why you should push me away. Doing that only makes you more stupid."

"Your inferiority complex which led you to believe that everything that happened in Kamino was your fault is toxic, it haunted me, distancing you was for my sanity," you snarled. "I've told you this once before, stop pushing."

"You can't pretend it didn't happen, as if you didn't spend sleepless nights checking the locks over and over again until you were sure they worked," Bakugo glared. "You have no fucking right to just ignore everything we did for each other just because you are oh so better than everyone, and going through some weird fucking mood shift. Get over yourself!"

Your eyes widened at his words, shoulders tensing, though you tried to not show it too much.

"People change with the new things they learn," you scoffed. "You, for one, should learn to keep up."

With that, you ushered him out of the room.

The next day, you woke up later than planned, missing training with Midoriya entirely. What was worse, was that you'd received multiple missed calls from your classmates, eventhough it was only 7 AM.

You rushed to the auditorium, where everyone was already in their designated costumes, apart from a few who were still missing.

"Y/N!" Ashido sighed, relieved. "Just Todoroki and Sero missing now."

"Sorry, overslept," you mumbled, grabbing the shirt Yaoyorozu had custom made for all the crew members.

Kaminari raised his eyebrows at you, well aware of how punctual you were, though ignored it temporarily and wrestled Bakugo into a band shirt. The blonde then grinned at you, walking over, guitar in his hands.

"You better fix things with him if you still want to get some sleep," he whispered, leaning in to hug you. "Please Apathy-chan? The entire class atmosphere is tense, just get along."

You pursed your lips, though sighed and rested your head on his shoulder.

"Fine, I'll try," you relented. "Aren't you going to clip your hair back? It'll be a distraction for your notes, won't it?"

"Don't worry about it darling, already memorized most of it!" He laughed in response.

"Alright you two lovebirds need to shut up, we're missing Midoriya!" Ashido panicked.

"Has anyone called him?" You asked, to which the girl pointed at Uraraka and Iida, who were both frantically dialing his number.

"There's 15 minutes left, what's taking him so long?" Todoroki mumbled, checking the time.

Everyone's thoughts ran wild, well aware of the class and its reputation of getting into disasters - especially Midoriya, who seemed to always be a prime target.

You looked over at a pair of vermilion eyes, which seemed equally concerned, though they masked it well.

"He attracts disaster," Sero reminded. "Let's all take a deep breath, Midobro will be here before we know it."

"Yeah, but he attracts disaster," you glared. "I'll call Ectoplasm, faculty needs to be ready."

"We can't be that screwed right?" Kirishima stammered.

"I wouldn't say we are, but better safe than sorry," Iida sighed.

The room was tense, a thick atmosphere covering it.

"We go in if faculty refuses to call the festival off," Todoroki decided.

You nodded, waiting for the teacher to respond to your phone call.

"Lady Y/N this better be important," Ectoplasm lectured immediately.

'Does losing a classmate sound important enough, Ectoplasm sir?'

A/N: lmao I'm back from my unplanned hiatus, how are ya'll 😍

QOTD: thoughts on whatever tf is going on this chapter?

Have a great day/night!

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