94 - Festival All Day Long!!

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"Does losing a classmate sound important enough, Ectoplasm Sir?"


"Lady Y/N this better not be a joke," Ectoplasm snarled from the other end of the call.

"We need a search team out now, otherwise I'm going myself," you scoffed.

"Understood, we will be dealing with it. Midoriya, I assume?" he asked.

"Who else could it possibly be," you sighed. "Let me know if you need assistance, I will be on my way."

"We have it covered, thank you for the offer," Ectoplasm mumbled, getting Hound Dog ready.

Seconds after you heard them leave, you hung up, turning to your friends.

"He should be back soon, let's go on as per usual, I can lift Aoyama if Midoriya-San doesn't come as per plan," you suggested.

Everyone agreed, going over the plan once more. The studio was in chaos, with the design team frantically trying to replace any material that was broken, the band going over notes once more, and the dance team trying to fill in the gap left by Midoriya.

"Fest is starting in a few minutes, and he still isn't here," Iida groaned, pacing around nervously.

"Tenya, calm down, he'll be fine, promise," you mumbled, though you weren't too sure yourself.

"Y/N-Sama, Midobro and everyone else who was part of the Hassaikai raid are major targets now, you can't just assume he'll be fine," Sero pointed out.

"Soy sauce face, Heiress fought with that damn Deku, she isn't stupid," Bakugou pointed out. "If she believes in that twerp clearly he's done something to impress her, considering it isn't easy."

"Now when did you get so wise?" Kaminari laughed, draping an arm around his shoulders.

"Doesn't matter, we're up in two minutes, everyone, hurry up and get ready! Tech team, man the wings!" Ashido ordered.

You all did as she requested, knowing very well that if you didn't listen, she would have your neck. The lights were switched off, curtains drawn in as everyone rushed onto stage, setting up. From the wings you could see the guests gather; parents, heroes, teachers and students alike. In the crowd of unfamiliar faces, one stood out to you.

"Eri's watching," you whispered, nudging Kirishima.

"We'll make her smile, I'm sure of it," Kirishima grinned.

Just then, Midnight announced your event. Your stall was officially open, and Midoriya still wasn't in sight.

"Catch!" a familiar voice hissed, throwing rope at you before jumping the fence onto the stage.

Midoriya Izuku was back, mere seconds before the curtains opened.

"Let's kill these fuckers!" Bakugou yelled, starting off strong on the drums, with everyone else following suite.

Singing and dancing, the crowd soon got into the same excitement as Class A, with various tricks being fired by your team. Aoyama lit up, Todoroki's ice shavings only making it more spectacular. Sero created confetti with his tape, some of which were sent flying into the crowds with Koda's birds. You sent your dragon flying into the crowd, which many people tried to touch in awe.

The crowd was cheering throughout, everyone grinning eagerly to find out what the next trick would be. That's when Uraraka launched herself into the crowd, high fiving anyone who could reach her, allowing them to float alongside the decorations. Trick after trick, the crowd laughed in joy, until she finally lowered them just as the show ended. Your dragon stood proud by the band's side as Bakugou hit the last beat, while you released fireworks, and Sero released more makeshift confetti.

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