29 - Time to Pick some Names

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The Monday after the sports festival you were in school nearly as early as the principal himself. Having informed Tenya, you made your way straight to the office, for you had a bone to pick with principal Nezu.

"Move, I'm here to see the principal," you scoffed, pushing some poor child out of the way as you strode in, exuding confidence with each step you took.

Three swift knocks on the hard wood and in you went, barely waiting for a response.

"Explain," you snarled, slamming down three files on his desk. "You've been withholding information from me, information I could use to control the very depths of my quirk. So what haven't you told me?"

"Y/N first of all I would like you to calm down and explain this in a proper manner," Nezu scolded, taking the files to scan through them. "Secondly, these were in my office. You do not have permission to enter my office."

"You keep information from me as you please, my wellbeing the last of your concerns, and are angered when I attempt to find out more myself?" You scoffed. "When were you going to tell me about my twin brothers?"

"They were dead long before you were born, I do not see how this should affect you," he shrugged, moving on to the next file.

"They had the same quirk I did. But they didn't burn the house down, that means I'm deficient in heat resistance," you groaned. "I cannot afford that, I'm training to be a hero."

"Which is why your quirk relies more on its emotional stability than your brothers' did," he pointed out. "You're sparking."

He was right, your hands were releasing the tiniest of glitches. Though, unlike your normal holograms, these were made up of unrefined heat and could easily cause a fire.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you'd just told me," you grumbled, cooling your hands down.

"Y/N why do you think you have two marks on your wrist instead of one?" Nezu asked, to which you stared blankly at him.

The two marks, easily identifiable as the L/N Seal. Most only had one on their right hand, yet you had one on each.

"Food for thought?" He smirked, to which you nodded and left.

Nezu was hiding information that he wouldn't give you anytime soon, you knew that, yet you weren't going to give up. While you were considerably more mellow compared to many of your classmates, you had the same drive and ambition as them.

"Heiress?" A gruff voice asked as you entered the classroom. "The fuck are you doing here?"

"Could ask you the same jackass," you scoffed, pushing past him to get to your seat.

"I never got an answer as to why you stepped in on Friday," he demanded, reminding you once more of the fearful boy who was chained against his will.

You turned around to meet his eyes and sighed, unsurprised that he asked you the question again. Bakugo was leaning against the door, tie slung over his shoulders, arms crossed over his chest as he looked surprisingly relaxed for once.

You, on the other hand, had your uniform perfectly done head to toe. A tie that was never tied too loosely encompassing the collar of a spotless white shirt. Your skirt and blazer were both ironed smoothly and your stockings didn't have a single loose thread.

"At Someii, we learnt that no matter who the victim was, we should step in if we would not be able to handle it should we be in their position," you explained shortly. "I didn't need Someii to teach me what I did on Friday, I would've done it for anyone because chaining up a student - on national television no less - is a pure breach of any sense of moral code."

"You were explicitly taught respect in that private school?" Bakugo laughed, sitting on top of a desk. "No wonder Glasses has a stick up his ass."

"Yet you couldn't figure out I went to the same school until I told you," you scoffed. "Don't generalise us. He has a reputation to uphold. I do not. So don't go around thinking I have a petty crush on you or that I hate you any less just because I did something any person would do."

With that, you walked out of the classroom to your locker to grab your textbooks. Today's first lesson would be hero basics theory, a lesson you hadn't had yet due to the quirk apprehension test last Monday, so you were fairly excited for it.

"Tenya!" You called, noticing your friend running in. "And Midoriya-San. You're both dripping, you'll catch a cold in no time."

However, before you could pull out a hand to evaporate the water, Iida stopped you.

"No quirk usage in the halls, remember?" Iida reminded, though you rolled your eyes, elegantly twirling your fingers in a circular motion for the thermal energy to surround them.

"I gotta increase my output, but until then, that's the best I can do," you shrugged, giving them both a lopsided grin.

"It's alright, thanks a lot Y/N-Sama," Midoriya nodded, trudging along to the classroom. However, you didn't miss the brief glance he sent Iida.

"Tenya I forgot something from my locker, I'll be back," you mumbled, dragging the greenette along.

"Y/N-Sama!" He protested, though you only hushed him.

"Don't bring his brother up, but keep an eye on him for me," you requested. "He trusts you a lot, so please."

"Yeah, I will," he nodded, right as the bell rang, signifying that your lesson would begin in less than a few minutes.

Both of you returned to your classroom and sat at your desks, though there were many who hadn't done so yet as they eagerly chattered about the sports festival.

"And you know what else people asked me?" Kaminari grinned. "How it felt to be defeated by my girlfriend. They thought Apathy-chan was my girlfriend!"

"Did you tell them my standards aren't that low?" You smirked, watching the boy crumble in defeat as Bakugo snickered at it.

"Yeah, yeah, don't worry," he sighed. "Can't have the prestigious Heiress dating a commoner now, can we?"

"No we can, my standards are just higher," you corrected, watching as Kirishima patted his back.

"Settle down children, your love lives can stay out of school hours," Aizawa droned as he walked in, the remainder of the students sitting down immediately.

"Sensei, you don't have bandages anymore, that's great!" Tsu noticed.

"Yeah, well this lesson is the exact opposite," Aizawa grumbled. "You'll be picking hero names. Now choose wisely or-"

"You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight announced, making her entrance.

"This isn't my forte, though I'm sure you'll manage," the man shrugged, going back to sleep in his sleeping bag.

Midnight was quick to pass out whiteboards for you all to draft your names. Many knew what they wanted, and it was easy to predict. However, many got rejected and had to be modified.

"Y/N, you still haven't gone," Midnight recalled after all your classmates had went.

You walked to the front, whiteboard in hand as you stood behind the teacher's desk.

"Do I have to?" You asked, to which Midnight smiled gently and nodded pleadingly. "Alright then."

Sighing, you flipped the whiteboard to reveal the neat Kanji that was your hero name.

"The daylight hero: Firefly."

QOTD: I don't think I've asked this yet, but what do you guys think the meaning behind italicising the last line is? This is overall in the book, not just for this chapter

QOTD pt 2: thoughts on a Christmas special?

Also yes I'm aware that this was 90% filler, I needed to get a specific part of the plot out the way before the hero drafting.

Have a great day/night!

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