59 - Unconditional Love

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The Ectoplasm clone and you were soon engaged in close combat, you swinging kicks and punches at him multiple times, looking for an opening to trap him in a shield. Then suddenly, he tripped, causing you to aggressively elbow him before collapsing a shield on top of him, the family seal blazing against the hot summer sun.

"How pathetic, a shield won't keep me out," he scoffed.

"A regular one won't," you smirked. "This one has a special touch of power that none of the heirs had so far."

The Ectoplasm clone looked around in confusion, touching at the sides of the shield in an attempt to find an escape, only to get severely burnt once more.

"Welcome to Hell's Prison," you laughed, lowering the shield instantly. "Heat can burn, but I bet you didn't know that. Of course the heat I used needs to be fine tuned to have a safer shield, but that doesn't matter in the end anyways, does it? I just have to get the job done, who cares what happens to the villains!"

"Lady Y/N!" Ectoplasm called sternly. "We do not dehumanise the enemy. Your license could be taken if you display such behaviour in public."

"Y/N," Todoroki glared, clambering up onto your cliff immediately. "Are you sick? You're never like this."

You mumbled something incoherent, eyes glowing briefly as your wrists seared with white hot pain, causing you to scream until you couldn't anymore. Everything was out of place, it was out of order.

"Y/N," Todoroki called, shaking you, worry evident in his eyes.

You looked up at him, exhaustion visible in your physique, any spark of determination gone. Though behind Todoroki you spotted something. A rock which Bakugo blasted, now falling, ready to hit a teacher.

"Move!" You demanded, pushing Todoroki out of the way.

You were quick to command a dragon to All Might's side, one which instantly transformed into a shield to protect the veteran from debris which Midoriya kicked out of the way.

"Shit," you coughed out, collapsing back into Todoroki's arms.

"You overused your quirk, you're cooling down rapidly," Todoroki gasped, placing a small flame by your side. "Though your outburst doesn't make sense."

'It appears this phenomena you're witnessing is caused by quickly changing emotions,' the doctor explained, looking through the tests. 'Little Lady, do you see them when you're angry?'

'Yeah!' You laughed. 'They're like fireworks!'

'Right, and the tests show that after an incident the little Lady is always more apathetic,' the doctor mumbled. 'It's a tricky situation, I can't give quirk suppressants targeted to this issue. The only thing possible is either regulating your emotions as is or.....'

You held an orange bottle in hand, popping two of the pills as Todoroki handed you water.

"Thanks," you smiled softly. "My temperature is back up to normal now, and this should go back soon."

"Childhood issue?" Todoroki asked, surprised you'd never told him. "Never seen it happen before."

"Developed way later," you shrugged, glad that no one had confronted you yet in any way. "Alright, back on track. Thanks Shoto."

"No," Aizawa glared. "Take rest, you don't need to overdo it."

"But sir then I'll never come forward," you argued.

'Yu?' A concerned voice called, scanning the area.

The girl was training in the Kitchen Lab, having left her boyfriend without a word, training until she nearly broke.

'Yu,' he mumbled, eyes wide, stopping her from continuing. 'Yuma you're injured, stop training yourself to death dammit!'

'I could've saved her,' she sobbed. 'I should've saved her....'

'Yuma we're third years, shit's going to happen. I was there on site with you, both Enji and I could've saved her as well,' Rin glared, red eyes glowing under the moonlight.

"But training yourself too much will only cause more slip ups," Aizawa pointed out. "Go to your dorm Y/N, see Recovery Girl if necessary, but don't train."

You paused.

One might even go as far as saying you hesitated.

Though you pursed your lips nonetheless and walked off, taking his advice.

"Apathy-chan!" Kaminari called, grinning. "Hurry up and get well soon, yeah?"

'Yuma?' Enji asked, surprised that she'd come down to eat. 

The third years were nearly there full time now, now that they were going from internship to internship, some even working part time.

'I'm going back up, I only need a coffee,' she grumbled, trudging off almost instantly.

'Don't you think you're being too hard on yourself?' Toshinori asked.

'Please you were the one sulking all of last week,' the girl shot back. 'I could have saved her, I could have helped her. Nana didn't need to sacrifice herself, Torino would have helped, we would have helped. If I can't even assist someone who can fight independently, how do you expect me to rescue helpless people?'

'Yu I understand you're upset but that doesn't reflect anything about your hero capacities,' Rin sighed, placing his fork down. 'You scored top of the class in exams multiple times, you got full points in the licensing exam, and you had a successful rescue last week. You're a really strong person whether you realise it or not.'

'But Shimura-San.... how are none of you hung up on her?' Yuma groaned.

'Because her journey was going to come to an end eventually, I'm the new pillar whether you like it or not,' Toshinori argued.

'Yu for fucks sake, eat something, just get better soon. We all miss the sarcastic bitch you were,' Rin grumbled.

"Yeah," you smiled. "I guess I will."

"You better! Our class isn't the same without you, who am I supposed to annoy at lunch?" Kaminari laughed, only to be yelled at by Aizawa.

That's when you realised that you weren't alone. You had people who loved you even after everything you'd told them. You had people who loved you even after they'd seen the worst in you. You had people who loved you even when you only worsened their life at the time.

Because they were people who grew past the mental obstacle and cared about you despite your biggest flaws. Flaws that you never even had control over.

They were your friends.

A/N: surprise bitches the unrefined heat part of her quirk is extremely dangerous eventhough it's OP

QOTD: thoughts on the flipping back and forth into past and present?

Can't wait for Kaminari to finally confess a second time 😍

Have a great day/night!

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