15 - Know your Enemies

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'Y/N?' Your mother asked drowsily, coming into your room.

You'd woken up at night, thrashing around as you whimpered in pain. Her eyes widened instantly as she realised what was going on.

'Y/N dear, calm down it's your quirk awakening,' your mother whispered, crouching down next to you. 'I'm here.'

You clung onto her, nails digging into her back as the pain continued to grow, an accompanying burning sensation kicking in.

Suddenly, your mother gasped as she briefly checked your wrists.

You hadn't inherited her quirk.

"Fucking hell there's a shit ton of rubble here," you coughed out as the smoke and debris tingled your nose.

"Y/N-Dono!" You heard Ojiro yell from above as he lured villains in.

It hadn't been long since you'd split up, but you'd each caught a handful of villains, each one having strong heat based quirks.

You took the opportunity to tie the two villains up, both by their hands and feet, thereby tripping them over before they could use their quirk.

"That's the last of them I think," your classmate sighed, standing next to you.

"I can't sense anything else either," you nodded, walking over to the duo. "Who sent you? Who's your boss?"

"As if we'd tell you anything," the older one laughed. "You've lost girly, any minute now and one of your classmates woulda died and All Might will be there too so we can kill him."

"How are you planning to defeat All Might when you can't even put up a fight against children?" You scoffed.

"Now listen here you brat-" he snarled, struggling against your ropes, though you only tightened them.

"Right now, these are at a temperature you can handle," you explained, drawing a rune. "Don't talk and I'll make sure you burn."

"Y/N-Dono!" Ojiro protested.

"We need the information, it could save All Might," you reminded him, to which he nodded. "So I'll ask again. Who sent you here, who's your boss?"

"It's Shigaraki," the second, smaller one squeaked out. "The tall one with the light blue hair."

You shared a glance with Ojiro, both perplexed. Shigaraki was a man child who needed Kurogiri to babysit him. Surely, he wasn't the boss of what was formerly an underground association.

"Maybe he's your boss, but who's the boss of the association," you snarled.

"It's top secret!" The small one whimpered. "Only Shigaraki and Kurogiri know, they don't allow nobodies like us next to the big boss!"

"So there is one," you nodded. "Are you planning to deploy them or are they just helping with strategy from the sidelines?"

"He's regaining power, waiting for the day he can destroy All Might," the larger one spoke. "And when he does, it's all over for you puny heroes."

"We need to go, now," Ojiro exclaimed, grabbing your shoulder. "Bring them in tow with us, let's go help the others and hope the man isn't dead."

You pursed your lips, though nodded as you dragged them along behind you. However, as soon as you entered the main plaza, you awed at the situation.

The dome of the USJ was shattered, neither of the two faculty members were present, multiple students lay unconscious and All Might was in the centre of it all.

"Todoroki-kun!" You called, heading over to the boy. "Where are Aizawa and Thirteen?"

The boy looked over at you expressionless, confused as to why you were so worried about your teachers.

"Fought the villains, both suffered major injuries," he shrugged, picking Kirishima up.

"No way," you whispered, following him with the villains in tow.

"Heiress I don't get what you don't understand, was I not clear enough?" He scoffed.

"He fought the Nomu right?" You asked, gesturing to the villains behind you.

"The mutation? Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?" He grumbled.

"That thing isn't human anymore, it's designed to be as strong as All Might and this one was only the first successful one," you continued. "There'll be more, each one getting more powerful. Obviously it doesn't have an erasable quirk, otherwise Aizawa wouldn't have been that badly injured. And if they're getting stronger..."

"The league will have an army," Todoroki realised to which you nodded. "Fuck I should've interrogated the guys further."

"Yeah your welcome," you scoffed, throwing the two villains at his feet. "You'll do good with Tsukauchi. I'll even pop in every now and then for a special interrogation session if I hear you aren't behaving."

"Yes ma'am," they whimpered in unison, moving closer to Todoroki.

"What'd you do to them?" He asked.

"Threaten them with burns, nothing much," you shrugged, calling over a couple officers who'd arrived.

"You threatened villains for information?" He snarled.

"Listen it was either that or All Might dies, we have information now!" You defended.

The boy pursed his lips, walking out with Kirishima, not bothering to even spare you a single glance.

You clicked your tongue, watching as the officers arrested the villain duo, one with a cat head thanking you for all the help.

"Y/N!" Iida called, smiling at you.

"Smile more, it makes you look less intimidating," you snickered punching his shoulder. "Glad you're alive Tenya."

"Likewise," he sighed with relief. "Where are Aizawa and Thirteen?"

You pursed your lips, pointing over to Tsukauchi who held his phone out for your class to see, a report coming in of all the injuries your teachers had suffered.

Damaged back, destroyed muscles, both in a coma as the doctors attempted to heal them.

"They could've died," you whispered, arms crossed, a sombre atmosphere overcoming your class.

"The next couple days you won't have school," Tsukauchi announced. "U.A will be upgrading the security system and you can take the time off to relax after today. Have a great long weekend!"

You pursed your lips as your class cheered at the new information, glad that they could go home early.

"If that's the case, I'm leaving," you shrugged. "We got homework and I want to get that done with."

Your classmates continued to celebrate as you left, glad that they could relax for four full days. No one saw you leave.

Except Iida and Kaminari.

Very rushed chapter bc I wanted this arc out of the way, do tell me what you think though.

Next arc is the sports festival!

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N threatening the villains?

Have a great day/night :)

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