88 - Their one and only Kosame-chan

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The journey back home was grim. All of you were instantly taken to be questioned, and needless to say, it was an uncomfortable experience.

"Lady L/N, please comply," the officer glared. "There are three years in which you are off the grid, what happened."

"I was in America, undergoing emergency treatment," you shrugged.

It was a white lie, but they didn't have the proof both for or against you. You only knew what you could and could not say to them.

"And today, you were part of squad beta," the officer pressed.

"Ma'am I've answered these questions hundreds of times, I know just as much as you do," you groaned. "Look we're all tired, can we please go home?"

"You were the only one there before Midoriya, how could you let Nighteye die and let Togata lose his quirk?" She snarled.

This question was new.

You hadn't expected this one.

"Your heritage is one of heroes, prestigious politicians," she continued. "But you were off the grid and were present during two casualties. You are a suspect, do you realise that?"

"I landed in the cave right when intern Lemillion got shot with that dammed bullet, Sir Nighteye and I were split up. Do you really think I would let someone die just like that?" You argued, standing up. "I'm a student at U.A, Nighteye was family. I couldn't do anything, he knew I couldn't do anything. You weren't there with me, you weren't there when you saw him lose all the hope in his eyes. You didn't see the apology he sent me with his eyes. You just left me in that cave to fend for myself. I wish I could've saved him, but I wasn't strong enough. That's it. That's the story."

You sat back down, wiping your cheeks. You'd unknowingly begun crying during your rant, the last memory of your long gone family only being a broken smile.

'He told me to remind you that the future's bright,' Midoriya choked out, sitting next to you.

'He was a great guy,' you mumbled, resting your head on Midoriya's shoulder. 'I just wish he hadn't been so young.'

"Very well, Lady L/N," the officer nodded. "However you are still a suspect and will be under house arrest should we notice anything."

"Yes ma'am," you grumbled.

"We won't take your license away yet, but if you are put under house arrest, you will also automatically be suspended from U.A and your license will be taken," the officer explained.

"You can't do that, I'm a ward of U.A!" You protested.

"Then you better be on your best behaviour," she glared, sending you out.

The other four had to undergo similar interrogations, with Uraraka having burst into tears multiple times at the mention of Nighteye's death. Both Kirishima and Midoriya were numb, as if still processing the events of that day, and Asui was just tired.

But as soon as you got back to the dorms, things changed for the better.

"What the hell guys you had us worried sick!" Ashido yelled as soon as you opened the door.

"Yeah! It was way intense!" Kaminari added.

"Are you guys ok?" Ashido asked.

"Everyone give them some space!" Iida instructed. "They just got back, we cannot overcrowd them yet."

"Iida-kun it's fine, right guys?" Midoriya smiled, to which the rest of you nodded.

As soon as Iida got that confirmation, he instantly began fretting over his three best friends, for he was possibly the most worried.

"Hey," you smiled at Kaminari.

"Tired?" He asked, holding out a cup of tea for you.

"You know me too well," you snickered. "Wanna feed Kosame?"

"Totally, let's get out of here," Kaminari agreed, and the two of you snuck up to your dorm.

You opened the door, beckoning Kaminari in. The cat meowed as soon as she saw you, jumping off its perch to rub against your legs. Though somehow, she was only happier when she saw Kaminari.

"I swear, she likes you more than I do," you yawned, collapsing onto the futon.

"I always knew you secretly liked me, wait until Bakugo finds out that you have a new best friend!" Kaminari laughed, sitting beside you.

He ran his fingers through your hair as he fed Kosame, relaxing you further as you melted into his touch. The blonde radiated warmth, something which you adored.

It was the perfect time to tell him about the events of that day, yet something still held you back. You couldn't understand what it was, you weren't Uraraka for that.

'Y/N-Sama, I think I'm going to put a pause on the issue with Deku,' Uraraka confessed in the hospital. 'We could die anytime, and until I can fight securely I don't want him to get hurt because he got distracted.'

'I think that's a wise choice,' you nodded.

"Do you have anything you want to do before we graduate?" You asked Kaminari. "We might already die on the job but Midoriya and I escaped death today by the skin of our teeth. Kind of scary."

"Not really, I just want the person I care most about to be happy," Kaminari shrugged.

"They must mean the world to you," you grinned, petting your cat.

"Yeah they do," Kaminari whispered. "I don't think I mean the same to them though."

"Don't be ridiculous, even the cat loves you, who wouldn't care about you?" You scoffed, looking up at him.

"Well they're strong," Kaminari began.

"Bakugo doesn't care about anyone, he doesn't count," you glared. "Other than that?"

"So you admit that you care for me?" Kaminari smirked, leaning down to meet your eyes.

"Possibly a bit more," you admitted, pecking his nose.

Your reaction left him flustered and speechless for a moment, as he attempted to understand what you had just said. Naturally, it was clear, but the blonde pinched himself more than once to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"Did you just ask me out?" He sputtered.

"Was it worth the wait?" You asked, curious.

Though instead of a response, Kaminari kissed you instead. This time, you kissed back. Sparks flew between both of you as you held onto each other, only pulling away for air.

"Always," he responded, keeping your foreheads together.

You kissed him once more, this time more gently, running your fingers through his hair. It was deeper and slower than the first, more loving and passionate.

"So it's settled then?" Kaminari asked, to which you grinned.

"Of course," you nodded. "If it makes you believe things more, I'm willing to share the cat with you. But that's only if you want me to."

'Our Kosame-chan, huh?'

— End Part 6 —


QOTD: thoughts on them lmao?

QOTD pt 2: cat's going to be foreshadowing soon, what do you think it'll symbolise 👀

Have a great day/night!!

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