83 - Suneater of the Big Three

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Deep breaths Y/N, you need to relax. Improve your stance.'

Having Midnight as a teacher had its perks. She would train you in difficult situations and perfect your hand to hand combat.

But right now, as you stood opposite three of the eight bullets, you didn't know how useful close combat would be.

"Heh," one of them smirked. "I see you've made it this far. Setsuno, neutralise their guns."

The lackey instantly activated his quirk, only for it to be cancelled by Eraserhead. In response, a second one pulled his gun out, to which the few police members that had joined you did the same.

Suneater clicked his tongue, manifesting a clam and octopus tentacles, capturing the three Yakuza members.

"Get out!" He ordered the others, before throwing the Yakuza members onto the ground. "Firefly?"

"Staying, we'll get this done with sooner if it's two people," you nodded.

"Firefly, Suneater!" Red Riot stammered as Suneater crushed their weapons.

"I'll see you on the other side," you promised.

Although the redhead wanted to argue, he decided to leave you be, heading out with the others to find Eri.

Suneater instantly pinned the three bullets down, whose quirks were still disabled thanks to Eraserhead. Deciding that it was best to inject them with toxins, Suneater shot out octopus tentacles, though got hurt as soon as one made contact with the mask of a villain.

"Senpai get back!" You ordered, slinging out ropes in their direction, some of which was laced with unrefined heat.

"You can't hurt us girlie!" Hojo laughed, taking the brunt of the hit.

Due to his skin being covered in crystals, heat didn't affect him. However, what shocked you, was that he had managed to fling your ropes back at you. The force was too much to control, you could only ensure that your upperclassmen didn't get burnt, for his skin was more vulnerable to heat.

You hissed as one of the ropes made contact with your back, burning it. The ropes instantly diffused, thankfully, and you glared up at the three villains opposite you.

"Firefly!" Suneater gasped, defending himself with a clam from an oncoming attack.

Though suddenly that clam disappeared, only to show itself in the hands of Setsuno. Your eyes widened, and you were quick to join his side, drawing up a rune.

"As the eight bullets our life doesn't matter," Setsuno laughed. "It's just a sacrifice to the Boss. After all, he took us up from the streets and gave us meaning."

'This is the girl,' a mouse squeaked, nodding at you.

'Are you sure, Nezu?' A familiar voice asked, though once he met your eyes he knew it was truly you.

'Are you Lady L/N?' Another man asked. 'Nod if you are, please.'

You pursed your lips, bringing your knees closer to your chest. You held the cat in your arms, snuggling your face into her back, making little eye contact.

The rags you wore did little to conceal the scars littered over your body, some old some fresh. But you didn't care about that. You just didn't want these men to do the same that the Boss had been doing to you every single day.

'I'm Midnight,' a woman spoke, stepping in front of them. 'We've been looking for a girl called L/N Y/N, do you know her? She has family at home, we need to get her back to safety.'

"Your life doesn't need Chisaki's approval," you spat out. "Even criminals have meaning, the tiniest organism has meaning. Why rely on him?"

"Because fulfilling his expectations is a lifestyle I'm proud of!" Hojo snarled, punching Suneater. "You wouldn't get it."

"You're right, we wouldn't get it," Suneater scoffed, grabbing the villain's wrists with a crab claw. "But it's best you give up. Because I'm Suneater, the hero who will outshine the sun!"

"Shit," Hojo cursed, clicking his tongue.

"Cover your face," Suneater instructed, creating a shell mask to protect his face.

You pulled a small gadget out of your first aid kit, one that you only realised you needed after the provisional licensing exam.

'Just a mask?' Hatsume asked. 'Ma'am won't it be easier to use a medical mask?'

'Stop calling me ma'am,' you instructed. 'I need it for the rescue zones, to filter between toxic air and air I can actually breathe. It'll be even more beneficial if it protects the face.'

'I'll see what I can do,' she nodded, going back to work.

A diffuser with multiple settings based on the level of toxicity you were dealing with, one with a face shield that could replace your visor, intelligence wise.

Your visor was used to trace heat signatures, because using the skill naturally from your quirk strained your eyes. Naturally, wearing a shield on top of your visor was impractical, so you opted for a shield with the same function.

"Chimera Kraken!" Suneater yelled, unleashing an ultimate move which consisted of multiple octopus legs, each easily defeating Setsuno and Hojo.

"Tabe!" Hojo yelled. "Tabe wake up!"

The third villain, who was unconscious, woke up and instantly opened his jaws wide, sinking his teeth deep into Suneater's tentacles. Your upperclassmen hissed out in pain at that, letting go of the two he held, bringing a clam up.

Though, the clam was only stolen.

"Hell's Prison: Exo!" You yelled, drawing up a rune and bringing a shield up. "They can't attack us right now, and stealing this move might hurt them. We need to think up a plan, are you alright?"

"Fine," Suneater nodded, though you noticed how he flinched every time he moved his fingers. "I can poison him with a neurotoxin, he's the problem."

You nodded in response and your upperclassmen created tentacles drenched in the chemical, preparing to attack. However, just as Tabe was about to bite off them, Setsuno stole them.

"I can steal anything that isn't too large," he shrugged, waving the tentacle about.

This caused Suneater to freeze up, and he looked back at you, hoping you had a backup idea. But before you could act, Hojo slammed his fist into Suneater's skull.

Your eyes widened in shock as you watched the blood splatter, only one detail coming to mind.

You would only lose if you're too slow.

A/N: short chapter, but we'll probably get another one today.

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N and Amajiki fighting so far?

Have a great day/night!!

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