71- U.A's Big Three

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TW for panic attack description, derealisation/depersonalisation, feeling like a burden/feeling worthless. See A/N at the end.

Your class was filled with sudden muttering, each talking about how they'd seen the current Big Three in last year's sports festival, remembering how none placed at the top.

"The Big Three isn't based off your first and second years," you explained. "But rather from the progress made between your second year and the midterm of your third year."

"You must have a lotta insider information, huh Y/N?" Sero grinned.

"She doesn't, actually. Y/N-Sama, like all of you, knows very little about this school and how it's run. And as I said at the beginning of the year, mention her heritage or family in a negative way and I'll expel you," Aizawa glared, before turning to the Big Three. "Introduce yourselves."

The one with pointed ears and dark hair took a deep breath in, and glared at all of you once he opened his eyes. He seemed rather shy, so it was a shock to see him stare so intensely.

"I... I can't," he whimpered, turning around. "No matter how much I try I can't imagine them as potatoes. I wanna go home..."

"Aw c'mon Amajiki, you gotta have the heart of a lion not a flea!" The girl laughed. "This is our kitten, Amajiki Tamaki, and I'm Hado Nejire!"

She then instantly began flitting around asking everyone personal questions, until she got to you.

"Principal's kid, huh? What's that like?" She grinned, and was instantly pulled back by the blonde.

"You good?" Todoroki whispered.

You pursed your lips and swallowed, taking a few deep breaths, subconsciously fiddling with your fingers underneath the table not caring that you were nearly ripping the skin off them. It made you feel alive. It took you out of this hell, even if it was just temporary.

"Yeah," you responded, voice breaking slightly.

Though it didn't matter, because Todoroki seemed to buy it and left you alone.

"Are you guys going to get your act together?" Aizawa snarled.

"Don't worry about it Sensei, they haven't met me yet and I'm the star!" The blonde laughed, before turning to you. "The journey ahead of us is?"

You knew the answer. But you couldn't think. Your head was clouded, the room was spinning, your fingers stung with pain. You wanted to speak, wanted to move. But you were just frozen. Frozen. How pathetic. Your mother would certainly be disgusted if she could see this, disappointed that she raised someone who got so anxious at the slightest mention of their "family". You were just another disappointment on the family tree.

You didn't understand how, but you had somehow made it into the gym gamma, and were in your sports uniform.

"Fight me!" Togata grinned.

"All of us? At once?" Kirishima asked. "Are you sure you can take us all?"

"That's what she said," Kaminari snickered, elbowing him.

"C'mon, just fight me!" Togata laughed in response.

"Don't discourage the kids," Amajiki sighed, turned around. "You tend to do that a lot."

"Don't worry Tamaki, I got this!" Togata assured him. "Just attack me whenever you want."

Kirishima and Midoriya instantly lunged in, though the redhead let Midoriya go first, sensing his determination. Though, his kick phased directly through him. Even the attacks sent by the long range fighters to support Midoriya phased right through him. Togata instantly disappeared once the long range attacks passed through him.

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