84 - L/N Y/N Rising!!

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"Suneater!" You yelled, pressing a cloth to his head.

The situation you were in was precarious, even more so than before. You weren't standing anymore, you were sitting, Suneater's head on your lap as you held the cloth to his wound to decrease bleeding. You held the shield up, for it was the most you could do while taking care of your upperclassmen.

"Lemillion's so going to kill me," you groaned, shrieking as you avoided another attack. "Damnit, wake up Suneater!"

"Give up," Hojo laughed. "He might as well be dead by now, and all because of your carelessness! We Bullets might be trash but at least we have an unbreakable bond, we can rely on each other. You depend on him, you're weak."

Tears stung in your eyes as the words cut deeper than any knife, words you knew you would never forget. But what concerned you more was the reactions of Nejire-chan and Lemillion, when they would find out that their best friend died because of your lack of presence.

"She isn't," Suneater coughed out, waking up, as if sensing your thoughts. "Even if you would have defeated me, you'd have been captured either way. Lady Firefly is smart, I'm sure of it."

But Setsuno could only laugh. He laughed as he saw your shocked expression, he laughed as you held your upperclassmen close. He laughed at your pain.

"I don't care if we get captured," he declared. "It's better than being discarded in hero society!"

"Anyone with a quirk that doesn't fit in, a quirk which doesn't seem appealing are outcasts, those with debts are worthless," Hojo ranted. "Don't you think we're tired of this? Don't you think that we want meaning to our lives?"

"Overhaul gave us that meaning, even when we were rotting away!" Setsuno snarled. "I don't care if we get captured, Boss would kill to have us back."

"Lady Firefly, Suneater, status update!" A police officer demanded through your earpiece.

You didn't know what was wrong, as the officers promised to not ask for updates until absolutely necessary. That could only mean someone was dying or had died, perhaps even severely injured.

"Lady Firefly here, show me going," you whispered back, logging off the com.

"Are you seriously fine with being used and then tossed away as if you never mattered?" Suneater asked the three bullets, sorrow painted all over his face.

The third year stood up shakily, and you followed suit, standing by his side. Though you were both taken aback when, instead of an answer, Hojo attempted to punch him once more.

Suneater and you instantly swapped places, the older kicking crystal shards into Setsuno's eyes while you dealt with Hojo. It was a benefit for now Setsuno couldn't steal anything, as he was blinded temporarily, and you could deal with Hojo without being worried about burning him.

"Nii-San," you whispered, your trusted dragon appearing to your side.

He bit into Hojo's wrist, holding him there before he could throw another punch, coiling himself around the villain's neck. Suneater grabbed Hojo with a chicken talon, throwing him at the other two, deep into a wall.

"Your hardened bonds are just variations of you using each other for your own benefits," Suneater scoffed. "Friendship is beneficial. Not that you would know."

He then tied the three up with a tentacle that had been stolen, one which still had the poisons in it. You added a few ropes as well, ensuring that even if they moved once the paralysis wore off, they wouldn't be able to get far.

"Are you alright?" Suneater asked, turning to you.

"It's just a burn, you're the one with a head wound," you reminded. "Let me see."

"No, we've wasted enough time," Suneater insisted. "Let's go help the others. You can still fight right? Should I call the rescue squad?"

"I'm fine, don't worry," you insisted, following him down the labyrinth that was the Hassaikai's headquarters.

"This place makes me dizzy," Suneater groaned, holding onto a wall.

"Follow me, I think I know my way," you suggested, walking in front of him.

Though you didn't get far, as you immediately heard a thud sound behind you. Instantly, you turned to see what had caused it, only to find your upperclassmen passed out.

"Senpai!" You gasped, running up to him.

You instantly took out some gauze from your medical kit and wrapped it on the wound, atop the cloth which you'd used as an absorbent earlier. Hoping that it would do for now, you felt his body for any other injuries, such as broken ribs. Thankfully, he had none, so hauling him onto your shoulder was a lot easier.

"C'mon Suneater, you can't go out like this," you groaned, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you walked back to the surface. "I'll have the rescue squad take care of you, just stay with me."

It didn't take long for you to reach the ground level, where Suneater was immediately taken off your hands to be treated.

"Firefly!" Uravity gasped, seeing your state.

"Ura I'm fine," you coughed out. "Make sure Suneater gets the treatment, I'm going back in."

"No way, you have a burn that's exposed to infection," Froppy glared. "Suneater's in good hands, you can barely walk."

"We need to get Eri out, the more the better," you argued, making your way to the second drop zone, which would inevitably bring you to where Nighteye would be.

You jumped in effortlessly, eyes meeting that of a terrified girl and a smiling blonde, the bullet hitting him before you could even fully register what happened.

You skidded to a halt to soften your landing, glaring up at Chisaki and his lackey, who only leered down at you in curiosity.

"Needed someone to rescue you, Lemillion?" Chisaki laughed.

"I'm not here for him," you scoffed, drawing a sword out. "Get out, you're  quirkless. You'll only injure yourself."

"Never!" Lemillion grinned, continuing to dodge every attack that Chisaki sent your way.

He kicked the lackey, sending him reeling into Chisaki's arms, knocking both of them off balance. Lemillion continued attacking the Yakuza boss, still being able to briefly make himself intangible.

Though you saw him slipping.

It had been fifteen minutes since you had split up from the group, roughly fifteen since he'd found Eri, and it had been five minutes since he was hit by the bullet.

Yet he didn't give up.

He tried and tried and only tried harder, all to make sure that the young girl you were sent to rescue would be able to smile again. It almost made you jealous of her.

You shook the thought out of your mind and rushed back to the kid, gently lifting her up.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.

"Anywhere that's better than this place, the heroes have you now," you reassured, wrapping Lemillion's cape tightly around her.

"Really?" She gasped, eyes wide.

"I promise, on my life," you smiled, navigating your way through the spikes.

Only for one to vanquish you.

A/N: self sacrificial Y/N? Always. She will regret not listening to Asui 😍

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N and Amajiki's relationship?

Have a great day/night!!

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