51 - Belief

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TW: mentions of r@pe

The next time you woke up, you were chained up in an empty room. Your eyes widened instantly, as you scanned the area in an attempt to plan an escape, though there was nothing. Only an entrance, which was guarded by a blue dragon.

"Move," a voice snarled, standing at the door.

The dragon bit back at him, now standing up, fangs bared. He hissed and spat, though that only seemed to bring on violence.

'No! You can't take her!' You screamed, blocking the doorway. 'Rei-San! You can't go, promise me!'

"Let him in," you whispered, nodding slightly so that your companion would make its way towards you.

"You sold us out," Dabi snapped, standing in front of you.

"I had to," you glared. "My friends were in danger, I was in danger. I don't even know if they can find us like this but it was the first thing I thought of."

"Why'd you do it Y/N," he sighed, now squatting in front of you. "We were getting along so well, you were so well behaved. Why did you do it?"

"I told you," you groaned. "I was in danger, I have to defend myself somehow."

"You know that's not what I'm asking about," Dabi grinned, gently stroking your cheek. "I'll give you one last chance."

'Y/N, whatever you do, don't separate the two dragons from each other,' Midnight explained.

You were training with her, still a child, and you'd nearly caused a disaster by allowing the two to run free. A disaster that would forever be on your permanent record.

Yet how Dabi found out was beyond your understanding. The only way would have been through researching the deepest carbon traces of your digital files, considering you'd officially gotten a pardon for it, or by both reading and understanding the legends.

"I'm not an idiot Y/N, I had a family who would tell me about the great L/Ns all the time," Dabi drawled, playing with your hair. "They told me everything, especially how every L/N had a distinct weakness."

"You're bluffing," you snarled.

"I was," Dabi laughed. "But your reaction says I'm right. You really are just a weak coward! No wonder you're in chains right now."

Your eyes quivered with fright as you realised how he'd outplayed you, how he'd twisted your words into proving his point.

"You won't get the information," you defended, voice low.

That was all it took for Dabi to stand up and swing his fist at you. A punch that you dodged due to your dragon protecting you.

"You bastard!" Dabi yelled, prying his fist away from the bite of your dragon.

"Haru-nii," you glared, warning behind your glance.

The dragon almost rolled its eyes, though retook his position by your side once more, this time more wary.

"Release me from my chains, then I'll explain," you sighed, and Dabi did so.

You instantly fell to your knees, wrapping your arms around the dragon. While there may have been a time where you hated your companions, since your training with Gran Torino and Mandalay, they'd long since become like an extension of you.

"Twin dragons that can't be separated no matter what," you mused. "Only I can control them, and even then they're ruthless when separated. That bite you got? He would've done more if I weren't here right now."

"So you're hoping for a way out," Dabi frowned. "How'd you do it. He's bright orange, there's no way of concealing them."

"I don't know how familiar you are with heat, but it eventually reaches a certain point where it appears transparent, only a ripple," you explained, demonstrating it with your companion. "It wasn't difficult to get past you after that."

Dabi's eyes widened in aggression, the man lunging an arm at you, ready to use his quirk or even get into a physical fight.

Though before he could land a punch, a warp gate opened in front of you, dragging Dabi into it. You rushed out, quirk ready, hoping you'd find something in the other room, only to see multiple villains leering over at you.

"So this is the girl Dabi wanted," a voice croaked, face covered behind a hand.

He was the villain who invaded the USJ, alongside the warp gate villain. Shigaraki and Kurogiri were already a deathly duo, you didn't want to know how much more powerful they'd gotten with allies by their side. And worst of all, you were leading the heroes right into this trap.

"I can see why he wanted you, you can be put to good use," Shigaraki mumbled.

'She's gunna be put to.... good use, if you know what I mean,' an older man said, nudging at his friend.

You couldn't see much from your position on the bed, you could only hear them slightly. But you still knew what he meant.

The guy in question was someone who got you out of the slums every day and brought you to his mansion. It started off small, small favours with an even smaller wage. But one day he seized you, didn't care if you were screaming or crying, he did what he wanted.

When you returned to the slums that night, you told the kind guy who gave you some bread. Told him the evils this man had done to a child.

But he didn't believe you.

No one did.

"Stay away from me!" You screamed, punching him in the jaw. "If you brought me here to be your little sex toy then you can forget the idea of me ever joining or even sponsoring you!"

"Sex toy?" Kurogiri asked. "Child, where did you get that idea from? We only want people that can help us in the army."

"She's a girl," Toga groaned. "Obviously that's her first concern when you word it that way."

"Or she's a victim," a voice quipped in.

You turned over to see Bakugo, chained up, staring at you. He was right as well, even after only having known you for a few months. Fear rushed into your eyes as you stood frozen, unable to react.

That only caused Bakugo to look you up and down, grievous eyes scanning you for any trace of injury.

"We may be villains, but even we don't stoop that low," Shigaraki sighed, pouring himself another shot. "And if we did, our faces would be on the news in no time."

'They'd have to believe me first.'

A/N: sorry about the r@pe scene my loves!!

QOTD: thoughts on the full backstory now?

Have a great day/night!

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