It's official!!

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Hey guys it's me the author again. For those of you who've watched vol 9 we can freak out for those that haven't ignore this cuz it's a spoiler.

Bumble is canon now!!! Oh my god yes! I know there's some haters out there and if there is we don't wanna hear you complain or hate on it. I'm so excited by this happening I want to focus more on them now but I'm still gonna focus on ruby and Oscar for my fanfics. But I can't help but feel I did some foreshadowing in the story since in the beginning, I made Ruby depressed and sad about what happened in atlas and shes been feeling upset about it in the main series and then in here, Yang and Blake are an Official couple and about to be married and in the main series they just became an actual couple. 

I wonder what else I can foreshadow in my stories. Do you guys think anything else I write will become true in the main series in real life. Oh my god, do you think this means Adam will come back in some way? Oh Jesus Christ that'd be a nightmare. Wait then that could mean Rosegarden could be canon in the future too! Now if only everyone would leave Ozpin out of this it'd be a lot cuter. Well anyways, as usual expect more from me, new chapters thanks for reading and following yada yada yada.

But seriously who else is excited by this? And the way they did it was so awesome and cute! I can't wait for Tai and Qrow to find out. Oh god, how is Nora gonna react? I mean she had a feeling way before hand right so now her wish is coming true! Anyways till next time 👍😃.

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