Book Buddies SS

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                      Ayanokoji Pov

I was walking through the library, trying to find a good book to read.  Whenever I get overwhelmed with the whole class battle thing, I like to brew some tea or coffee, and read a book

After the midterms, the class had a party and I was dragged to each and everyone of them.  So I came to the library to relax for a bit

???: Ah c'mon!  Just a little more...

I heard a small voice in another aisle.  It sounded like they couldn't reach something, or students were breaking rules in the public library

I walked around the corner and peaked into the aisle and saw Class D's Angel, Shiina Hiyori.  I technically first met her when Ryuen dragged her and Albert along while trying to find who guided Class C to where it is now, considering that most of them were defective by the school's standards

I reached over, and grabbed the book from the top shelf and handed it to her.  It was a mystery novel, and the girl grabbed the book as I extended it out to her.

Shiina: Ah hello, Ayanokoji-Kun was it?  Thank you for reaching that book for me

She smiled and gave a hand for me to shake.  We both shook each others hands and then I continued the conversation

Ayanokoji: Yes, I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, and you are Shiina Hiyori?

Shiina: Hehe I can confirm I am Shiina Hiyori. 

The way we confirmed the others thoughts was almost robotic, and would make anyone laugh at our exchange.

Ayanokoji: Ah I see you also like mystery novels!  Mind if I join you?

Shiina: Ah I have no problem with that at all.  It's nice to have a book buddy, in my class, no one really reads books outside of lessons...

She had a cute pout on her face, but she quickly smiled and looked back up

Shiina: But at least you are my book buddy

We went to a table in the library and both began to read on silence, occasionally having small talk.  In the library, the place of solitude, I had made a friend

                            Shiina Pov

Ayanokoji-Kun and I exchanged contact info, and we both went our separate ways.  On my way back to my dorm however, I heard a chuckle

Ryuen: Kukuku, it seems you have made a friend...One from another class to boot

His words were laced with venom and it put fear into me.  He usually lets me do my thing and only tells me things when he needs something, but sometimes we have idle chatter

Shiina: A-ah don't worry Ryuen-Kun, I won't betray our class.  I would never do that

That was earnest; I never would

Ryuen: Good, glad we cleared that up!

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