Chapter 30: The Star of Argos II

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                        Ayanokoji Pov

Yamauchi: So that's the plan, and YOU.  Don't mess it up

Those words played in my head as I stood outside of the dorm.  Ken texted the Ayanokoji Group chat, saying we should totally meet up at the pool today

Ken said he invited a few others, but needed to see me urgently.  Turns out, Yamauchi and Ike wanted to jerk off-research the female anatomy and wanted to peep in the changing room.  Part of me know as Hornykoji wanted in on the plan, so I'm in a fight with myself.  Part of me will let it happen and look at the recording, the morally questionable part, the normal part, won't let it happen

Haruka: Yahoo Kiyopon!  How's it going?

Haruka's voice pierced my monologue as she and Airi trotted over.  Airi muttered out a high as she looked at the ground and away from me

Ayanokoji: Oh hey, have you seen Ken?

Haruka: No, it's quite rude to show up late to a gathering you organized!

Haruka pouted angrily and whipped her phone out and called someone, presumably Ken.  He didn't pick up, but she left an aggressive Karen energy voice mail.

Akito: Oh, you guys got here huh.

Akito walked over with a raised hand.  He had requested a day off from his club practice so he could come to the pool.  He had a red t-shirt on and cargo shorts. He was dressed for the hot weather that was beaming down on us.

Airi: Oh hey Akito-Kun, h-how's it going?

Akito: I got a day off of practice so uh, you tell me heh.

Akito did the weird anime thing where he wiped his index finger under his nose.  Why do anime characters do that?  Making sure they don't have a runny nose?  Or is it to make sure their nose isn't bleeding like it does for some reason.

Sotomura said he would introduce me to anime and video games tomorrow so I am curious.  Will my theory be answered?  (A/N: Next chapter leaks👀)

Horikita: Oh it seems you guys are here.

Horikita appeared with a sun hat on with a light zip up hoodie.  Her red eyes were complimented by the bright sun that shone down on us

Haruka: Horikita-San, I would have never expected you to be here, what's the occasion?

Horikita: Sudo pestered me to come here.  Said he would study extra hard.  So I suppose I had to make a sacrifice

Ayanokoji: Sacrifice?  This hardly seems like a sacrifice

Horikita: I'll have you know I was reading a good book in my room.  I left it there since I borrowed it from the library

???: Yahoo!  Seems like a lot of people are coming!

We all turned to see a large group of people: Hirata, Karuizawa, Shinohara, Ike and Kikyo. 

Haruka: What the-did Ken invite the whole dayum grade?!

Haruka was floored by the large group of people.  Airi was moving by slightly away from the crowd.  She never really liked crowds but she handled the Ayanokoji group good.

Ken: Oh hey sorry I'm late, we overslept!

Ken ran over with Yamauchi in tow.  He had healed up fine after being ravaged by the school mysteries so he was back to perving as usual.

Airi: Isn't that the direction o-of the pool though?

Airi quietly said but it was enough for most everyone to hear

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