Chapter 33: Summer Festival

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                          Ayanokoji Pov
I had received a notification on my phone saying the summer festival had started.  Kizana, the Drama club president, sent me an email for what venue we were at and what time I needed to be there.  Luckily for me, I had an hour before I had to go to the club venue

I dressed up nicely and got into the elevator where a few other students were in there.  Two of which to be Elder Horikita and Nagumo.

Nagumo: Oh hey Ayanokoji.  How's it going?

Ayanokoji: I'm doing fine Nagumo-Senpai, how about you?

Elderkita: We are both doing good, right, Nagumo?

Elder Horikita cut Nagumo off as he was about to speak and gave him a look telling him to shut up.

Nagumo: Yeah, we've been doing well lately.  I heard you joined the Drama club as a temporary member? 

Asahina: Ooh that's so cool!  Can't wait to see my colleagues performance.

Asahina had been chatting with Tachibana up until this point, and she decided once their conversation halted, to immediately jump ship into another conversation.

Ayanokoji: Oh yeah that would be super cool if you came!  We are doing Romeo and Juliet.

Tachibana: I wish I was Manabu's Juliet...

Elderkita: Hmm?  What was that?

Tachibana: I-ah nothing!

Tachibana turned bright red and pressed herself to the floor in a tight ball

The elevator dinged and we arrived at the first floor and we all filtered out.

Nagumo: Do come by the Student Council stall if you want to get some experience.  We have Manabu-Senpai in the dunk-tank!

Elder Horikita looked at Nagumo with another look, this time saying he had a few minutes left to live.  The student council people sure are weird.

???: Oh hey Ayanokoji.

I turned around to see Hirata and his small harem with him.  Hahahahaha Hirata, I took your harem.  Now what's left is Karuizawa and sometimes Shinohara.

Karuizawa: O-ah hey Ayanokoji-Kun.

Ayanokoji: Hey guys, you going to the festival as well?

I pointed to all of their attire and they nodded in unison

Hirata: Yeah that's where we were going.

The elevator beeped and out came the Ayanokoji group.  We had already decided to meet up here in the lobby to go to the festival.

Ken: Ayyy Kiyo, my man!

Ken wrapped his arms around both me and Akito, and Haruka and Airi leapt on top of us

Haruka: Group hug!!!

Ayanokoji: I can't breathe!

Haruka's watermelons smothered my face as I squirmed around

Haruka: Silly Kiyopon, you don't need to breathe, as long as you have your mothers love.

Akito: Mother?  Who the fu-


Hirata just laughed at our antics, totally everyone ignoring as I was choking on melons and about to die.  Karuizawa did but she clearly wasn't going to help me

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