Chapter 24.5: Scars that won't heal

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                           Karuizawa Pov

I sat in the shower of my room as I sank to the floor.  I sobbed as the hot water cascaded over my body, over the scars that reminded me of what had been done to me. 

It's even worse now.  Someone I considered a friend is taking advantage of me and I'm now his little puppet, controlled by his strings.  My body still aches from where I was beaten earlier, and I felt my body. 

He had commanded me to spread my legs.  Even if he only wanted to see how far I would go, that fear still plagued me.  My heart thumped wildly like a bull who was just let out of its cage but I had the energy of a sloth.  I wanted to curl up and die right here right now

Then, no one could hurt me.  Not my father.  Not Manabe.  Not Ayanokoji. 

I finally shut the water off and I stared into the mirror.  My eyes were puffy from the crying and I pressed my face into a towel to clean myself off...


                           Manabe Pov

Manabe: Haah, that was satisfying!  I had to blow off some steam since I got eliminated.  That biatch had it coming!

Rio: Mhm yeah...but don't you think we went a little too far?

Manabe: Uh, no?  She bullied Rika so she had it coming

Rio: But...what if we're the bullies?

Rio looked down at the table as we all sat around drinking juice.  I had been absentmindedly scrolling on my phone when I shot her a glare.  Rika was always so apprehensive about frickin EVERYTHING.  Honestly, doing things with her is always so boring cause she always asks if what we're doing is right.


I received a message on my phone from anonymous

I gasped in horror as I played the video of what happened to Karuizawa.  It was above us, had we really not realized someone had seen everything from above us?!

I quickly messaged back: Who are you?!  What do you want?

Rio: Is something wrong Shiho-Chan?

Manabe: No nothing just have to answer this!

I quickly ran off to an isolated area of the ship and I called the number.  Someone picked up and a deep gruff voice responded

Tell me who the Class D VIP's are, or I will leak this video and have you expelled

Manabe: What makes you think anyone will care for that Karuizawa biatch?!

???: This isn't a conversation.  You might be fine;  it what about Rika?  If your class loses points, Ryuen will beat you all.  After that, intense bullying.  Rika might be traumatized and drop out, or worse...

My heart caught in my throat.  I don't want Rika to suffer for my actions but this has to be a bluff?!  Whoever this psycho is wouldn't dare do that

Manabe: Shut up you're just bluffing

???: Do you want to test me Manabe Shiho?  Or should I end your Highschool life, AND Rei Rika's?  The choice is yours...

Author: Hey people!  I wanted to write something today but at the same time I didn't want to write too much, yeah whatever.  We are approaching the end of volume 3 and due to my bad pacing, this exam will leak into V4, so the next volume will cover the remainder of summer vacation and stuff like that.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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