Chapter 61: The Class 3-A Horror Attraction

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I was finally off my shift and finished up my final photo.  I estimated we made at least 150,000 yen just off me alone.  Hirata and Ken I saw were definitely also in high demand.  We were just off the lunch rush and we had the best group come in and take our places. 

I was unable to change out of my uniform though.  To attract attention to the restaurant, Kikyo suggested, that I walk around with my outfit on.

Kiyotaka: Alright, I'm going out if anyone wants to join me!

Kikyo: I'll go!

Ken: Same I'll come as well.

Kiyotaka: Alright nice.

Kikyo had also come back from advertising just in time so we all started to walk around.  This was the first time I got out of the room apart from talking to Ryuen so now I could look around at everything in full.  There were balloons, signs, and many staff making sure there were no fights.  Many people looked at me and their faces went red as I smiled at the people passing by.

Kiyotaka: I was thinking we could go to Horikita-Senpai in 3-A?  I heard from Yamauchi, who took his shift early, that their attraction was really nice and spooky.  Said something about wanting to go with you Kikyo.

Kikyo: Is that so?  I would love too, but I also want to go right now, so we should definitely go.

I could feel Kikyo seething at the thought of going somewhere with Yamauchi.

Ken: Of course he took the shift early, he wasn't even doing anything.  Onodera and Mii-Chan were picking up his slack.

Kikyo: Oh yeah, Sudo-Kun, do you have a crush on Onodera?  You two are both talked about as the perfect couple, and the people want to know.

Kikyo pretended to be an interviewer and shoved an invisible microphone into Ken's face.  I pretended to take out a note pad and a pencil and made myself look like I was about to write down notes.

Ken: No comment.  In all seriousness, no we aren't a pair. 

Kikyo: Is it because she doesn't like you, or have neither of you asked the other out?

Ken: Nah, we aren't interested in each other.

Kiyotaka: Ah you like girls like Ibuki, right? 

Ken: If anyone here likes Ibuki, it's you.  You definitely like to be dominated!

Kikyo: Oh my, you like to be dominated?

Kikyo turned the mic to me and Ken pretended to take out a notepad and they both looked at my eyes.

Kiyotaka: Way to avoid the question Ken.  Anything to hide?

Ken: Wah, no!

Kiyotaka: Suspicious response I see.  Have you had contact with Ibuki?

???: Oh Pepper over here likes Ibuki?  It seems you've found your soulmate, kukuku.

???: Drop dead.

We turned around to see Ryuen and Ibuki behind us.  Ibuki was still in maid cosplay, and it made us both match.

Ryuen: Oi Bubbles, take a picture with Ibuki over here.

Kiyotaka: Uhm, why?

Ryuen: For advertising of course.  And also cause Ibuki needs more blush on her face.  Makes her more appealing.

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