Chapter 63: Vs The White Room

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                         Ayanokoji Pov
The second day of the exam began and my shift had ended.  I was tired out from serving and smiling all day long for all those fuckwads.  Woah, I think Kikyo infected me with that hatred for people.  The only thing to note in this shift was that I saw Ken having a groups of girls crawl all over him.  I guess with him somewhat controlling his anger issues, he's a hit with the second years.

So as I climbed up the stairs to the rooftop, many things flashed through my mind.  Would violence be necessary?  What were the true aim of this meeting.  I'm sure he knows that I wouldn't go back willingly, but I suppose he would at least try, since what else could he do?

I was prepared either way: A secret camera on the rooftop.  The camera was bought from a tech store I was recommended from Sotomura.  If I had gone missing, aka, taken by violence, the school would be able to find the camera and be able to go after anyone who was found in the video.  Of course, if no violence was practiced, then the footage would be useless.  I could have the school sue him for trespassing since the rooftop was blocked off from trespasses, but the most that would come with it was likely just that man and his men present would be barred from returning to the school.  I had also planned for a special guest.

If violence was used, my plan was to flee immediately.  Fighting in a battle could work, but I have no feasible way to ascertain which weapons I was going up against.  They could be using weapons from the ranges of their own fists, tasers, and maybe even deadly weapons.  I wouldn't put it past them to sue such weaponry, not necessarily to kill, but to definitely disable.  From there, they could easily rehabilitate me in the White Room.  I was the Masterpiece, so I had the leeway in that they would not kill me.  No matter what person was second or third place, I'm number one, and that's all that matters to my survival.

I opened the door and I quickly observed the rooftop.  No one was there...At least at first glance.  I could see a bit of blue peeking from behind a corner, and I could here two sounds: The sound of shuffling a few feet away. 

          And the sound of breathing

              Right next to the door

At least three people on the rooftop, at least one could be used as a herring.  What's my strategy?

I darted quickly straight to the man next to the door.  In his hands, he had a lead pipe, which could knock me out if he hit me in the head correctly.  At worst, a knockout, at best, a stun that would leave me at more of a disadvantage than I already am.  I reached my arm out and fainted to a right to make him believe I was going to the middle of the roof, but as he swung left, I ducked low and got right in between his arms where I fainted a punch.  The body will flinch when confronted with a physical attack, so even when it doesn't connect, with enough force and killing intent, you could feint somebody out.  The man had fortitude, but not enough.  His grip on the pipe loosened slightly and he backed up a bit.  In that time, I slapped the pipe out of his hand with a chop to the wrist.  I kicked the pipe towards the middle of the roof where I immediately leapt over to the pipe.  I didn't pick it up though, I stood over it.  I now could observe the rooftop in full.

There were 4 men with weapons ranging from a lead pipe, stun gun, nunchucks, and a blow dart.  They went exotic which matched with their equally exotic clothing.  I noticed another man who camouflaged into the wall.  I could see something bulging from his pocket.  A taser perhaps? 

Clap, clap, clap.

A slow clap.  I peeked from the corner of my eye, and emerging from the other side of the rooftop, turning out to be hidden behind a small wall, came That Man.  He wore a dark three piece black suit with white stripes with a dark, blood red tie.

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