Chapter 13: Witch Hunt On The Island

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                                                                            Ibuki Pov

I woke up the next morning to see my schemes had come to fruition.  Karuizawa was crying as the girls consoled her.  Pitiful.  If she were even slightly stronger, she would search for the thief herself, and not be crying like a lil biatch


                                                         Ayanokoji Pov

Shinohara yelled into the boy's tent and shortly after, Hirata emerged from the tent with a dazed expression.  He, and most likely all the other boys, probably just woke up

Hirata: Shinohara-San, what's the matter?

Shinohara: I am sorry you will be crossed in the crossfire, I don't believe you or Ayanokoji-Kun did the crime, but still.  Someone stole Karuizawa-Chan's panties, and it is one of the girls

Yamauchi: What makes you think we did it?!

Shinohara: It's obvious!  No girl would steal the panties, only a boy would.  And you and that weirdo Ike are the primary suspects.

Ken: And what if it was one of the girls?

Shinohara: First off, it wasn't and if they did, what motive would there be?

Ike: Stop pointing fingers at us and think of Ibuki-Chan!

Ibuki: Call me by that Chan again, and I will kill you, pervert.

Ken: See?!  It's definitely Ibuki!

Ayanokoji: Everyone, please calm down!  We don't know who sold it, but there must be a better way to handle this situation

Shinohara: Ayanokoji-Kun, I know you want to defend your friends, but one of them stole it, and we need to find out who.

The girl's tent rustled as Kauizawa stormed out.  Her hair was a mess, and her eyes were red and puffy.

Karuizawa: Whoever stole my panties is going to die!  I don't care who the fyuck it was, but how could you do this to me?!

The class went silent as Karuizawa screamed at everyone.  Ike and Yamauchi shut up, but Ken wouldn't back down

Ken: Oi, shut up!  We get that you don't like this one bit, but what right does that give you to yell at us like a Karen!

Hirata: How about Ayanokoji-Kun and I check the boy's possessions to see who stole it?   If they aren't there, we can conclude that Karuizawa-San misplaced them

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