Chapter 25: Class D's Vengeance

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                         Ayanokoji Pov
The storm raged on as the ship slowly moved through the waves.  The waves crashed, the thunder boomed, and through it all, I was manipulating Manabe.  I sent her the recording and forced her to accept my terms

I held the voice changer I received from Sotomura and spoke to Manabe on the other end of the phone.

Ayanokoji: So who are Class D's VIPs?

Manabe hesitated on the other end and stayed silent for a second but breathed in and spoke

Manabe: Well I don't know ALL of them.  Ryuen told them all to individually message him but I do know my friend, Nanami Yabu is a VIP...

Ayanokoji: Hm?  Ok what group is she in?

Manabe: She is from the Scorpio group.  Can I go now?

Manabe said impatiently as I could hear her tapping her foot on the ground in annoyance

Ayanokoji: Yeah yeah sure.  But this isn't the end of our calls, got it?

I hung up before she replied and I clicked the voice changer off and I sat on a bench reading.  All of the sudden, a close boom of thunder was heard and the lights flickered.  I looked to my phone to see the WiFi was out.  I could use a break from people asking me to hang out so I welcomed it like it was the fun uncle at a family gathering

It seems the ship had a generator on standby for this exact situation.  I walked to one of the meeting rooms for the exam but there was a sign hung on the door

'Due to technical issues, the 4th day of the exam has been cancelled.  The exam will resume tomorrow but there will be no 4th day.'

No 4th day?!  That is certainly a hinderance but eh, what can you do?  Sue the school?  Nobody is that crazy.  Except Horikita who would sue them if anything went wrong

I heard footsteps and I looked to see Karuizawa who was scanning the sign.  She looked at me and sprinted away at top speed.  I can't blame her since I DID make her think I was about to rape her.

It was early morning on the final day of the exam.  The 4th day was cancelled so was this technically the 4th day?  It was the final day of the testing period so maybe 5th.  I dunno, small town mystery.

I walked into the room at the first meeting and saw Sakagami at the head of the table.  I say next to Karuizawa and her nails dig deep furrows into the leather armrest of the chair and she leaned as far away as she could from me.  I ignored it since it didn't effect me and I didn't really care all that much.

Sakagami: This is the final day of the exam, this is also the final meeting.  Use it well and remember to report your guesses by midnight.

Sakagami left and started the timer and people started to talk and ask questions.  Things about who was the VIP, who would win the exam that stuff.  I picked up my phone and began to draft an email to Sakagami-Sensei.  I stood up and stared into the eyes of who was the VIP.

Ayanokoji: Hashimoto, are you the VIP?

Everyone stopped talking and looked over to me who was staring into Hashimoto's eyes.  He grinned and kinda chuckled.

Hashimoto: What makes you think that?  I didn't do anything suspicious did I?

Hashimoto was keeping cool but Teppei and Yahiko look like someone had revealed they watched Hentai in class.  That may just be an analogy but that might actually be true now that I think about it

Ichinose: Yeah why do you think that Ayanokoji-Kun?

Ichinose stood and placed her hands on the desk as she stared at me and Hashimoto.  Ibuki and Albert silently watched on in interest

Ayanokoji: I don't quite have to explain do I?  But the thing that tipped me off was the fact that Hashimoto asked me a lot of questions, as if he was testing me.  When I told him I figured Manabe was the VIP, she was eliminated by next meeting.  I know it wasn't likely someone from Class D because Ibuki and Albert were surprised when Sakagami-Sensei revealed the VIP was already emailed what time they played, something the VIP wouldn't be surprised to know.  I know it was no one from Class B deal to a deal we made.

Ibuki grimaced and looked away.  She was angry she allowed herself to be read so easily.  To be fair, she isn't a bad actor, I am just good at reading people.

Hashimoto: Mm that's an interesting theory you have there.  Don't you want to wait to see if your suspicions are correct?  I certainly would!

Teppei: Yeah don't you want to do that Ayanokoji?

Ayanokoji: That would be smart, but I have one more piece of evidence.  Teppei, Yahiko?  You sat out the majority of the exam other then to put your two sense in.  Hashimoto however played with the group.  In other groups, the Class A students sat out no matter which faction they belonged to.  Hashimoto went against the plan to engage in the exam. 

I held my phone out and everyone saw as I sent an email to Sakagami-Sensei stating Hashimoto as the VIP

Hashimoto: Hehehe, honestly you're something else!  The princess let me do whatever since I doubted your strength since you were a defective before!  But it seems you're the real deal.  Yeah I was the VIP

Everyone gasped and looked at me with shock.

Hashimoto: Though I will watch out for you now.  And I will find what your defect is, and when I find it...EVERYONE will know.

Sakagami entered and ushered us all outside of the meeting room and he closed the door. 


Hashimoto: Shut up Baldie fan, you accepted the hush money right?

Yahiko stormed off and flipped us all off.  Teppei followed after him and flipped us off and Hashimoto still held his head high and strolled off leisurely.  Everyone congratulated me except for Karuizawa who practically sprinted away as soon as possible

The clock moved to midnight and at 12:01, we all received a notification.  I imaging most people were awake to see the results.  Everyone else in the room were awake and curious about the results.

Zodiac Killer Exam Results

Class A-1030
Class B-760
Class C-590
Class D-705

I sighed and shut my phone off and ignored the distraught of my dorm mates.  We lost.  Class D surpassed us point wise and we were being demoted.  But this exam had taught me something.  There was no doubt about it

        There was a traitor in my Class

Author: That's the end of V3!  Honestly I haven't had much free time due to some projects and poetry I had to work on🤮.  I think it reflected in the way this exam played out but I'll do better next time to make it up to you.  Have a great day and see you next time I update!

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