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The journey to Polis was quiet and the tension was settled in the air, which no one dared to break, not even Heda's generals or Raven, there were some orders here and there but nothing else.. When they were a few hours away from Polis, the horses had to rest for at least two hours, and since the sun was still up and would be for at least another eight hours, Lexa decided to let her party rest. Some went to take a very much needed nap, some decided to go and explore the woods, and some just needed to sit down on the hard ground than the horses. ''Gosh, my ass is sore from this, I hate it.'' Raven complained and Octavia chuckled, ''Well, you better get used to it, miss mechanic.'' She said before leaving to find Thyra.

''Finally, I didn't have time to find you earlier, I'm sorry.'' Thyra said as she felt Octavia's arms make their way around her waist from behind, planting a soft kiss on her shoulder. ''I'm sorry too, I've been with Clarke since you know what happened.'' Octavia sighed and Thyra turned to look at her. ''I know, did Clarke tell you what happened?'' Thyra asked as she saw a tint of confusion in Octavia's features. ''No, she didn't want to talk about it, so I just sat with her until she was able to breathe again.'' Octavia said sadly, ''Breathe? What do you mean by that?'' Thyra asked strangely, knowing it was something Clarke probably didn't tell her. ''Clarke has occasional panic attacks, I didn't know either until today.'' Octavia hung her head in shame. ''Hey, it's not your fault. You know Clarke, never wants to put a burden on anyone.'' Thyra smiled and chuckled. ''You're right, what happened between the two though?'' Octavia asked.

Thyra looked Lexa's way and back at Octavia when she started explaining.

''The hell?! Now I know why she was so hurt, why did she even do that?'' Octavia asked, slightly angry for her friend. ''No wait, I didn't get to that part. Lexa watched Gaia grow up, she cared for her like her younger sister that she trained and spent her childhood with us. Though Gaia was always buried nose deep in her books, Lexa still made her talk when she wouldn't to anyone else, she meant a lot for her.'' Thyra sighed. Octavia just replied with a sad 'oh', sadness in her eyes. ''But you should really talk to Lexa about her anger issues, she can't promise to Clarke that she would never hurt her but do this afterwards.'' Octavia continued. ''I know, O... I know.'' Thyra stated as she pulled the brunette into a tight hug. ''I really love you, you know that?'' Thyra said as Octavia chuckled, ''And I love you, but don't get too soft on me now, general.'' They both laughed.


''Raven, Raven wake up.'' Octavia nudged the mechanic who was sprawled out on the ground by the fire, snoring comfortably. ''Five more minutes.'' Raven mumbled and turned her face closer to the fire. Octavia sighed and nodded to Thyra, who grabbed a bucket of water that was full of horses' saliva and poured it onto Raven's head, making her jump up instantly. ''I warned you.'' Octavia shrugged. Raven gasped for air, ''You're so gonna regret this when I blow something of yours up-.'' She said, wiping her face. Disgust washed over her, ''Why is it so sticky- you didn't.'' Raven looked between Thyra and the nearest horse whose mouth was still wet from the water. ''I'm gonna kill you both in your sleep.'' The mechanic continued as she caught the coat that Octavia threw her and went to change her clothes.

Octavia looked at Thyra, giggling silently together.

When it was finally time to ride off, everyone was almost ready except a few of Lexa's generals and well... nothing new.. Clarke. ''Did you see Clarke, like even a glimpse of her for the whole time we've been here?'' Thyra asked Octavia and Raven, who just shrugged. ''No, only when we stopped, then it was like she just disappeared.'' Octavia replied with a deep sigh. ''It's Clarke, she's gonna show up any minute now.'' Raven shrugged and continued eating her rations. Thyra just looked at her with a raised eyebrow, then looked Lexa's way, only to find Lexa staring back at her with desperate eyes. Thyra nodded at her as she was ready to go look after Clarke when they heard rustling and everyone's weapons turned towards the source of the noise when Clarke rode out on Hades, covered in blood.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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