Quite the danger

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In the moment she had to look around, she saw five Maunon(Mountain men) and one, injured, probably Trikru warrior.

Her sword clashed into one of the Maunon's guns, giving it a scratch, yet she noticed all but one of them had yellow suits, this should be easy. She sliced through two of their suits in a matter of second, making them suffocate from the lack of air, their skin now burning from the radiation they were not used to.

They were all firing their guns at her, shooting like mindless animals, which they halfly, were. Maunon, not very skilled in hand combat, can't even properly shoot from their guns, idiots.

She sliced the other three's suits, there was one remaining with only gas mask on, she knew this was a trap but he didn't seem like he had some kind of gas with him, so she shook it off, she couldn't see their face very clearly, but he was a male. Clarke sliced his leg and he screamed in pain, it hurt her ears. Before she could do another impact, he somehow managed to shoot Clarke in her forearm, making her drop her sword.

Clarke sliced her remaining sword through the air with her good hand and the mountain man was nowhere to be seen, a toxic green fog coming at her in a fast pace, fuck.

She looked for Hades everywhere, but she knew that he was around, she whistled and there was nothing, no sound, she just hoped he wasn't dead by now.

Clarke knew very well that she had no chance of escaping this fog with the injured warrior, but she wouldn't leave him there alone, there was still a chance he could live, and know a lot of information. She had to think fast. There was a loud stomping on the ground before she saw it was Hades, he probably found a hiding spot, she knew that he smelled the fog from far away, she just wanted for this to be a nightmare. Clarke instructed for Hades to bring the injured warrior to the safety, she would run behind them, trying to catch up. She quickly helped the warrior that was fortunately by his senses and they were off to go.

After few minutes of running, she heard a loud horn, meaning that there were grounders nearby, signaling for everyone to hide from the fog.

Clarke ran as fast as she could, not looking back, feeling the fog on her back, making small burns on it, she hissed and sped up her pace, she was getting tired. Yet, she wanted to end this for so long now, there, right behind her was her chance. But she found something to live for, she has Hades, she has Thyra, her sky family, but then again, she found someone to live for, this, she didn't do this for her family nor Thyra and Hades, she does this for Lexa. The one her heart aches for, the one her heart reaches and beats for, It's always been her.

She ran as fast as she could, seeing the cave behind the bushes in front of her, Hades was already there, stomping nervously on the hard cold floor of the cave. Clarke jumped and everything went into slow motion, she was thinking about Lexa, what would she do if Clarke died right here right now.

Clarke fell onto the floor, gasping for air, she made it.

She quickly caught her breath and examined the warrior, he was definitely Trikru. And he was definitely not stable, he wouldn't survive the night, he was barely awake but breathing, his breathing was shallow.

Clarke peeked through the bushes, the fog won't disappear quickly, she bit her bottom lip as a sign of nervousness.

She worked for hours as she tried her best not to pass out from exhaustion, trying to keep the warrior stable for the ride to TonDC. When she was finished he was peacefully sleeping, he wasn't much of a talker it seemed. She slumped against the hard rocks, Hades laying next to her already asleep, she looked outside and saw the fog was still there, she knew Hades would wake her up when it disappeared, she just hoped the grounder will make it.

Lexa was pacing back and forth in her tent, Clarke said she will go to the river, what if she drowned? It's been five hours since. Indra and Thyra were watching her carefully not to make any bad move. Lexa's eyes widened when she heard the horn from a distance, she knew the fog wouldn't make it to TonDC, but the fog will make it to Clarke, she ran out of her tent, looking for her warriors before there was a strong grip on her forearm, pulling her back. ''Heda, It's not safe out there now, you will die looking for her.'' Thyra exclaimed as she eyed Lexa carefully before continuing, ''I trained her, she's strong, she won't let go easily, I know her.'' Lexa didn't say a word and just nodded. ''She'll stay alive for you.'' Thyra whispered the last part before she went to order some warriors around. Lexa stood glued to the ground, frozen at Thyra's words, was that true?

She decided to busy herself as she went to see some injured warriors to Nyko's tent, she saw Ryder sitting on the edge of the makeshift bed, sharpening his daggers out of boredom. He straightened his back when he saw her, Lexa nodded at him to signal him that it's okay, he relaxed again. ''Heda, If I'm allowed to speak, I'll go and find Clarke as soon as the fog disappears.'' He said. ''I'll find her myself, you're injured.'' Lexa exclaimed and Ryder looked like he wanted to protest but he shut his mouth when Lexa gave him a death stare.

She went back to her tent and buckled her armor into it's place, sheathed her swords to her sides and a bow with arrows to her back, she would need that.

Clarke's eyes fluttered open as Hades licked her face, chuckling, she stretched her stiff limbs and looked around, it was cold and the warrior was still asleep, she decided to check out the fog. She sighed in relief when she didn't see a thing there. She woke up the warrior and helped him mount up Hades, they walked out of the cave, the sword in Clarke's good arm held tightly, looking for any signs of danger. When there was none, she lightly let go of the sword, but still being aware of their surroundings

They walked for a full hour before they heard something around them, Clarke readied herself for a fight when suddenly, her knees were kicked out from below her, her signaling Hades to run and get the warrior to safety. She was now on her knees when she felt a cold metal pressed to the side of her face, not again. ''Well well well, look who we have here, Wanheda.'' A cold voice whispered in her ears, shivers ran through her body, it was the one mountain man who cowardly left. ''I could end this right now, I could take the life away from this pretty face of yours.'' He said as he traced the gun along her jaw, Clarke's jaw stiffening, her teeth gritting.

''But I won't, I'm not a monster, Am I?'' He said in a mocking tone, wanting Clarke to burst out of rage, and she was pretty close to snapping his neck, but she had to wait.

''So I'm gonna take you to where it all began.'' He laughed in a low tone, as he put shackles on her hands starting to walk with her with his gun being pressed to her head.

''Hod op!''(Stop/wait). All familiar voice called out, they both froze and Clarke smirked internally, the man turned around with his gun still pointed to Clarke's head, pressing it further making Clarke clench her jaw. Lexa found her, a sense of relief washed over Clarke, even though she still was close to death.

They shared glances and Clarke could see the worry in them, with one look, Clarke reassured Lexa that she's going to be okay. Clarke just now noticed the group of warriors behind Lexa, she took around five of them, all ready to go to war. ''One move and I'll kill her.'' The man said with a threatening voice as an arrow flew into his leg, making him drop the gun and accidentally shoot as it fell, fortunately, it didn't hit no one.

Lexa ordered for the warriors to grab him and they went back to the village. Lexa dismounted her steed and walked over to Clarke, examining her for any sign of injuries, her eyes widened a little when she saw her forearm. ''You're hurt.'' Lexa exhaled and cupped Clarke's face with her hands. Clarke gave her a soft kiss on the lips, ''I'm gonna live.'' They both chuckled as they rested their foreheads against each other.

''I'm never gonna let you go.'' Lexa exclaimed, and she meant it. With every fiber in her body, she meant it.

''Don't ever let me go.'' Clarke responded with a small chuckle.

Clarke started to feel dizzy, her vision became blurry. ''Lexa... I'm not feeling... we-.'' she whispered before she passed out from exhaustion, she felt strong arms around her, picking her up and carrying her to the village. ''I got you. It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay.'' Lexa whispered and that was the last thing she heard before everything went black.

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