War preparations

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''Heda! What if Azgeda attacks at any time?'' One of the ambassadors called out, ''That is why we need to be ready at any time of the day. You have to be aware of who to trust in these times.'' Lexa stated, leaning against her throne proudly. This meeting has been going on for the last three hours, each clan adding their own weapons and warriors to the list.

''Ethus, I need Yuljeda to make more poison. If Azgeda doesn't play fair, why should we?'' Lexa asked with her jaw clenched. The Yuljeda ambassador nodded as she heard some murmurs of approval from all over the room.

''Octavia, will Skaikru be honorable and join us with guns in this war?'' Lexa's eyes moved to the Skaikru ambassador who was listening carefully. ''I believe yes, we do have bombs accessible as well.'' Octavia replied with a slight nod of her head in respect. ''Then that is all settled, you shall all return to your clans and make the announcement. Please send your warriors as early as you can, they are welcomed in Polis.'' Lexa said as her strong voice echoed through the room, dismissing them all. ''Thyra, please stay.'' Lexa said just as Thyra almost closed the double door to the throne room.

''Yes, Heda?'' Thyra asked with a bow of her head. Lexa sighed as she propped her head with her hand against the throne handle from exhaustion. ''Any news?'' Lexa asked with hope in her voice. ''Sadly, I haven't heard from Abby in a week now.. I don't think that something new happened.'' Thyra said sadly, avoiding Lexa's gaze. She sighed, ''What did I even expect.'' Lexa said, closing her eyes to calm herself down. It had been three weeks since she left Arkadia, and the war was getting closer and closer and Lexa felt like she couldn't win a war anymore without Clarke by her side.

Thyra put a hand on Lexa's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. ''You haven't been outside in at least two weeks, we could go see the natblidas, I'm sure they will be happy to see you.'' Thyra said with a hopeful smile which was instantly ruined by Lexa's response.

''They will not be happy to see me without Clarke though.'' Lexa looked up, frowning as she blinked the tears away rapidly. ''Hey, I can explain to them..'' Thyra replied. ''They will only be met with disappointment.'' Lexa stated as she stood up, shaking Thyra's hand off of her, walking over to the balcony with Thyra on her tail. Lexa took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she felt the wind pick up, a chilly breeze washing over her face.

''Do you wanna go train?'' Thyra asked, eyebrows furrowed as she ran out of ideas. ''Sounds.. entertaining.'' Lexa replied, opening her eyes. ''See you in two hours then.'' Thyra said as she bowed her head in respect, leaving Lexa all alone on the balcony, left to her thoughts.

Lexa looked over Polis, in the far distance seeing some traders arrive at the south gates. She sighed and her gaze wandered off into the far distance, her eyes meeting the forest where Arkadia was. She couldn't get the blonde off of her mind. Hell, she didn't even know if she was alive at this point, and she blamed herself for it. She felt so guilty. If only she didn't send Clarke in alone.. then maybe she would be in her place... Maybe Clarke would be.... alive.... Lexa shook the thoughts out of her head.. she is alive. She must be.

Lexa turned around and squared her shoulders, walking through the corridors of the Polis tower, occasionally greeting her staff and warriors on her way to the Commander's chambers. When she arrived, she immediately dropped her royal-like posture, feeling so much more vulnerable. She felt so helpless without Clarke by her side, like all of her energy was drained out of her the moment her hand slipped out of Clarke's, back in Arkadia. She took off her armor and changed into more comfortable clothes as she still had two hours of free time before her sparring with Thyra.

She laid down onto her comfortable furs. Lexa looked at the side of the bed that was now Clarke's seeing her nowhere. Tears threatened to spill out of her eyes at the thought of her. She wasn't able to sleep for a few days now on this bed, it always reminded her of Clarke and she couldn't bring herself to move the furs from Clarke's side. Lexa rubbed her temples, frustrated. Then, something clicked in her head. She stood up and walked over to the other side of the bed, crouching down and opening the night table that was next to it.

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