Heavy fog

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''She has been avoiding me all day, Raven...'' Abby spoke, tears in her eyes. ''Look, Abby. I respect you and all that, but you hurt her and tried to keep her away from someone she loves.'' Raven replied, her eyes widening at what she just said.

''Loves?....'' Abby asked, her brows furrowing and her eyes widening. ''I- gotta go, bye!'' Raven said as she slipped through the crowd of people, rushing to get away from Abby as fast as possible.

''You can't keep a secret even in front of her mother, can you?'' Octavia surprised Raven behind one of the tents, making Raven yelp. ''Well, IT SLIPPED, okay? Jeez Octavia you're scary.'' Raven said, out of breath. Octavia chuckled, ''I've been told. Wanna have a drink?'' Octavia asked, smirking. ''I could never say no to that.'' Raven smirked as well. ''Wait.. where's Clarke though?'' Raven asked, stopping. ''Either with Lexa or in the Healer's tent.. I hope so at least.'' Octavia replied, ''I just haven't seen her since the verdict.... And it's getting dark.'' Raven said, sighing. ''Clarke is powerful, she can take care of herself, can she not?'' Octavia said, trying to be positive. ''You're right..'' Raven replied. ''Always am.'' Octavia grinned.

Clarke was galloping on Hades at full speed through the lands that stretched out so far she lost track of distance, but she wasn't planning on slowing down soon, her tears were being left behind her as the wind has flown through her hair so gracefully, exposing her warpaint and the two swords strapped on her back that reflected the sunlight. She felt free as if all of her problems were left behind, she felt like she was flying, with Hades giving her the wings she needed.

Sometimes she passed some travelers or traders but no war in sight, it was like everything went quiet after the battle with Azgeda. And it in fact was true, it all seemed so quiet that Clarke had almost forgotten how war feels like.

That was, until a swift arrow flew behind her back, barely missing her. Clarke looked to her left and saw many more arrows piercing through the air, trying to pierce through her body as she turned right and disappeared into the forest with Hades. She finally slowed Hades down when they were enough distance from the masked hunters. She looked around and tried squinting her eyes to the distance of the hunters. When she didn't see enough, she came closer, but still stayed behind the treeline to stay hidden. She finally saw the hunters and her breath stopped.. Sankru.

''Let's go! Wanheda is finally alone and this is our only chance! Kill her and you get the Azgeda throne!'' One of the hunters yelled out as they ran towards Clarke's direction, at least 30 more of them appeared, it seemed like from thin air. Clarke's eyes widened, ''Nomanjokas.''(motherfuckers) She muttered under her breath as she turned Hades around and started galloping.

The thing is, in the heat of the moment, she forgot where she came from.. So now she was lost AND being hunted. Great.

Clarke didn't dare to turn around as she kicked Hades to run as fast as he could, and he did. They avoided trees, jumped over rivers, ran through bushes and fields for as long as Clarke could remember.. they were getting more and more lost.

Once she finally turned her head to look behind her, she was disappointed to see the hunters still on her tail, at least five hundred meters behind them, which she could use to her advantage. She turned corners and wiggled her way through the forest as she felt the sun shift and the light around them almost disappeared. The forest was thick and an enormous fog stood still around them out of nowhere, which Clarke on the other hand was glad for. She had finally lost them and was relieved because her legs were aching from all of the riding. Hades huffed as he came to a stop, breathing heavily. Clarke patted his neck ''Good boy, Hades. I don't think I would be alive without you.'' Clarke said gratefully as she finally dismounted, the pain shooting through her legs, ''I swear I'll never get used to this, jesus.'' Clarke muttered under her breath as they walked together behind some cover that the trees were providing. Clarke unstrapped Hades' saddle and left his bitless bridle just in case of an emergency. She then went and slumped against a wide tree that provided a good amount of coverage, whilst Hades laid down next to Clarke, putting his head next to Clarke's lap. She patted Hades as he drifted off to sleep slowly, tired from all the running.

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