A party

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Thyra and Clarke caught up to the three that were ahead of them pretty quickly, and they got to Arkadia by the afternoon, going into their rooms to gather themselves to the party. Clarke was in her room, reading, when there was a knock on her door. It was Thyra and Clarke was even surprised to see her there. She greeted Thyra with a small 'hi' as she sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her to start talking. ''I apologize... for before.'' Thyra said as she scratched the back of her neck. ''I shouldn't have lashed out, it was stupid of me I didn't reali-'' Thyra didn't get to finish her sentence as she was being pulled into a hug by Clarke. ''Shut up, I know, I'm sorry too.'' Clarke soothed her. She and Lexa were really the same, hell, most of the grounders... They try to play off the tough mask but all they really need most of the time is a hug and comfort, yet they grew up thinking emotions were forbidden in this world, Clarke felt sorry for them, but she wanted to show them how it felt to experience affection.

''Don't try to act tough in front of me, you suck at it.'' Clarke continued as they pulled away, as Thyra smacked her shoulder lightly, both smiling. ''We're late thought, we should get going so you can flirt with Octavia.'' She said as Thyra acted offended. ''Let's go.'' Thyra said as they both laughed.

''There they are, you took your time!'' Raven said, already half-drunk. The atmosphere around them was light, and that's what Clarke didn't feel in a long time, she needed to let go at least for one night. After such a long time, they deserved this, even though it wasn't peace, still better than nothing. Everyone danced until the night was over, and for the first time, Clarke saw her mom dance and be happy since her dad died. 

She looked around and saw Octavia walking towards her as she took her onto a quieter side of the room they were all dancing in. ''I wanted to thank you for saving me.'' Octavia said with a soft smile, and Clarke hadn't seen her smile like this in so long, it was heartwarming. ''And I'd do it again, you're like a sister to me.'' Clarke replied with an exact smile she got from Octavia. ''I love you.'' Octavia said as she hugged Clarke. ''I love you too, O.'' Clarke replied as she accepted the hug happily. After they parted their ways, Clarke went to sit down by a table to talk to someone and Octavia skipped over to Thyra, as Clarke eyed them curiously, she knew what was about to go down as she saw how Octavia took Thyra by her hand into a dark corner of the room, and she winked at Octavia with her returning a smirk as she was now being pulled by Thyra.

Clarke already drank at least one bottle of wine plus did a few shots meaning she was in a light mood. She sat by the table, all alone whilst some of the men and women approached her to dance, yet she refused. She's had the chance so many times but she didn't. She longed for her brunette warrior, she knew they would never be able to do this since love is forbidden in the grounder culture, and that's what Clarke had to do, save them. She was sitting, downing a bottle all by herself when she saw her mom about to kiss Kane and she was about to throw up, and it wasn't the alcohol. Raven eyed Clarke and asked the DJ, who was Murphy by the way, to put on a song Clarke expected the least. It was their song that they danced to when they were around fourteen years old. Clarke's mood immediately lightened up and Raven took her hands as the song echoed and everyone joined in to them. Bellamy, Monty, Jasper, Raven, Harper and Clarke started singing the beginning of the song. 

''I've got some money in my pocket Got some trouble on my tail..'' They all sang the song on the top of their lungs as it continued, they had a good laughs and some of them had to leave throughout the song to go puke, and they laughed. They continued to dance and sing as practically everyone watched them and cheered them on.  

''Ooh gonna feel this in the morning''  Raven sang with a grin plastered on her face.

''Ooh 'cause I'm going hard tonight'' Clarke continued as she pointed back to Raven with a laugh that had been immediately returned.

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