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Clarke hadn't realized that she's slept through the whole day until she woke up the next day, confused as ever. ''Good morning sleeping beauty.'' Octavia said while sitting on the edge of Clarke's bed, making her jump and almost hitting her head. ''Morning.'' Clarke groaned into the pillow, annoyed that she had to face another day. ''You've slept for 20 hours, Clarke.'' Octavia said after a while of silence. ''Did I?'' She asked, still confused as ever. ''We thought you had alcohol coma or something.'' Octavia grinned and Clarke chuckled, rolling her eyes. ''Don't worry, Raven is currently beating your record with 22 hours, she may be in coma though, not so sure.'' Octavia said, thinking for a while. ''I  should probably go check up on her.'' She continued. ''I think you should...'' Clarke replied as Octavia rushed out of her room, Clarke's laughter fading as she sprinted through the hallway.

As Clarke entered her shower, she acknowledged what day it was. Today, it hit three months since she last saw Lexa, and still no response coming from her, and Clarke didn't know if she should be worried. She walked outside in full armor, ready for the day and did the usual duties she's had. In the afternoon, Thyra came up to Clarke, "I can sense your worry from a mile away. She's just busy, Clarke." Thyra exclaimed when Clarke stayed silent. "How do you know?"  Clarke asked. "I just... know." Thyra replied as she scratched the back of her head nervously. "What are you hiding?" Clarke asked again. "Nothing." Thyra said.
"Thyra." Clarke said with a deadly gaze pointed to Thyra. Thyra sighed, "Nia challenged her to a contest for the place of Heda." She exclaimed and Clarke froze. Her mind just stopped, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't think. It was like everything stopped. "When." She whispered, not able to talk properly. "Tommorow, afternoon." Thyra replied with a sad smile, she felt bad as she saw Clarke in this state, she knew that Clarke knew Lexa would die if she lost.

There was a while of silence whilst Clarke regained her composture. ''We're going to Polis, pack your stuff.'' She spoke up. ''But Clarke-'' Thyra didn't get to finish her sentence before she was interrupted by Clarke again. ''Thyra, I Know that Azgeda wants to assassinate Lexa whilst they fight. Nia has no chance against Lexa, she doesn't play fair, so we need to be there just in case. ''Clarke thought out loud. ''Lexa's guards can take care of that.'' Thyra replied calmly. ''I don't care if she wanted to show me Polis herself, she can't do that if she's dead.'' Clarke glared at Thyra, her eyes stabbing right into Thyra's soul. Thyra sighed, ''But-'' 

''Say 'but' one more time and I'll stomp on your neck after I stab both of your eyes.'' Clarke said with a threatening voice. ''Damn, now you act like one of us, I like it.'' Thyra said proudly and after all, she agreed with Clarke. No one can pretty much argue with her. If Clarke sets her mind, she will do it, no stopping, only if you're Lexa. ''I'll go get Octavia and Ryder.'' Thyra exclaimed as Clarke nodded, ''I'll get Raven.'' 

''Why Raven? She can fight?'' Thyra asked out of curiosity. ''No, she just wanted to see Polis for a long time now, plus she has her big brain with her all the time.'' Clarke replied with a simple shrug. Thyra smiled and went off to find Ryder and Octavia. Clarke found Raven in her normal habitat, a workshop. She was welding some metal pieces together and when Clarke entered the room, one of the sparks almost hit her in the face, but she ducked just in time. That was when Raven noticed her. ''Whacha want, Griffin?'' She asked whilst putting her tools on the table and sitting next to it, swinging her legs back and forth from the edge of the table. ''Do you want to go with us to Polis? We're leaving in an hour.'' Clarke asked, hesitant of Raven's answer. ''Why are you even asking? Hell yeah!'' Raven jumped excitedly and hugged Clarke tightly as Clarke laughed. ''Wait, why? I thought that Lexa would come here.'' Raven pulled back and looked at Clarke with furrowed eyebrows. Smartass.

Clarke explained her plan and Raven observed quietly. ''So what you're saying is... We might die..'' She spoke up with squinted eyes. ''You're on Earth, the possibilities of you dying right now are fifty percent high.'' Clarke replied with a raised eyebrow. ''Eh, you're right. Wait, are you planning on killing me?!'' Raven gasped as she dramatically picked her welding tool. ''Maybe I am.'' Clarke replied teasingly as she left Raven to pack and went into her room, leaving half-shocked half-amused Raven in her workshop.

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